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entropy_house October 24 2007, 14:01:20 UTC
Hi and *hugs*.

Incommodocado is when the phone rings while you're in the toilet. :^)


jthijsen October 24 2007, 18:59:24 UTC
Ah yes, that eternal internal struggle when your mobile phone rings while your pants are around your ankles: to answer and treat the listener to all the wonderful sounds you're making, or to be a coward and let the voicemail handle it.

Me, I'm a coward...


entropy_house October 24 2007, 19:47:58 UTC
9 times out of 10 it's either a wrong number or a charity soliticitation anyway.


mistraltoes October 25 2007, 01:34:41 UTC
::would wave but is too busy groaning::


entropy_house October 25 2007, 01:37:52 UTC


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