More memeage games

Apr 15, 2007 04:46

And now that I've done today's work, it's time for fun. Gakked from kerravonsen:

-Go to and look up 10 TV shows you like(d).
-Post three official IMDB "Plot Keywords" for these 10 picks.
-Have your friends guess the show names.

This time I've leaned a bit toward easier, more descriptive clues.

1. Tongue in Cheek / Cat Suit / Espionage - guessed
2. Scientific Research / Urban Legend / Crash Test Dummy - guessed
3. Corny / Cross-Dressing / Fictional Band
4. FBI Agent / Mathematician / Brothers - guessed
5. High School Friends / God / Boat-Building - guessed
6. Surreal / Paranoia / Human Chess Board - guessed
7. Beauty / Passion / Deception
8. Black Humor / Pain / Sarcasm - guessed
9. Science Experiment / Body Swap / Amnesia - guessed
10. Slacker / Deep Space / Sitcom - guessed

Have at it!

(Answers to those which have been guessed are behind the cut, so no peeking until you've made your guesses!)

1. The Avengers
2. Mythbusters
4. Numb3rs
5. Joan of Arcadia
6. The Prisoner
8. House, M.D.
9. Quantum Leap
10. Red Dwarf

memes, multifannish

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