Reaction to last night's House, M.D.

Apr 18, 2007 07:42

How much do I love this show? I don't care if y'all think it's gone downhill, honestly. They can keep writing it just for me!

Wilson! WilsonWilsonWilsonWilson! WILSON!


Mind you, I am a bit surprised that Wilson hasn't twigged yet to House being interested in Cuddy himself. Interesting that House was so busy plotting that he seemed to forget to be snarky. And Cameron should so be hit with a cluebat, though I think they may wise her up soon. And Foreman needs an arc of his own, thankyouverymuch.

I did think it was obvious fairly early on that the brother had the same problem. But that's okay, I guess. His crush on Cameron was amusing.

But I still love this show.


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