Let's not do that again any time soon

Apr 15, 2007 02:58

Hokay. My remixredux fic is finished and posted. A few hours late, but frankly I'm relieved to have finished it at all. Whee! I wrote over 1000 words of it today. I'd meant to have it done a couple of days ago, but my body kept falling asleep when it was supposed to be writing. 'Snot my fault, yo.

Okay, it is my fault. But a few hours late is better than a few days. Or months. Or years.

Anyway, I learned a great deal while writing it, most of which I can't talk about without giving away too many hints about which story is mine. And I've deliberately not mentioned it to anyone except family, because I'm curious to see whether anyone can tell which story is mine.

Anyway, now I can get back to other unfinished fic. Which is a bit of a relief. I've just realized that HP7 is out in three months, and I should really finish some of my Snapey crossovers100 before then, just in case I can't bear to face them if something horrible happens in the book.

And then there's the story with Jarriere, Vila, and the hippo . . .

writing, ficathons, snape, hippos

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