Superteam Meme

Apr 10, 2007 03:16

Behind on my memes again. This one took me awhile because I had to think of a team I'd really like to see in action. Gakked from all over:

The Challenge:
Assemble a superteam from your favorite films, TV shows, books etc.
Your team must consist of the following:

Team Leader
Comic Relief

All your superteam members must be from DIFFERENT sources.

My Dream Team

Team Leader: Don Eppes (Numb3rs)
Warrior: Tyr Anasazi (Andromeda)
Smartypants: Greg House (House, M.D.)
Hottie: Emma Peel (The Avengers)
Comic Relief: Jarriere (Blakes 7)

(Jarriere having narrowly edged out Marcus Cole of Babylon 5; but I have something else in mind for Marcus.)

The Private Eyes

Team Leader: Indiana Jones
Warrior: Travis (Blakes 7)
Smartypants: G'Kar (Babylon 5)
Hottie: Snake Plissken (Escape from New York)
Comic Relief: Xander (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

The connection there should be more or less obvious... ::g:: Thanks to bibliohippo for helping with this list.

memes, multifannish

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