The meme goes round and round, woh-oh-oh-oah...

Feb 25, 2007 04:19

...and it comes out here.

From astrogirl2, a meme we've seen before.

Put your music-makin' device on "random shuffle," take the first 20 songs, post your favorite line from each, and invite the world to name that tune.

1. "You say it's me, but I know that it isn't."
2. "If it's a mirror you want, just look into my eyes." (Artist is Sting, guessed by kerravonsen; we still need a title.)
3. "So much for keeping it a secret."
4. "You've been over-reacting if you think that I still care."
5. "I've got a pocket full of holes." ("Crazy" - Icehouse, guessed by jomacmouse.)
6. "I've the face of a sinner but the hands of a priest." ("Moon Over Bourbon Street" - Sting, guessed by astrogirl2.)
7. "Like a ghost I'm going to haunt you."
8. "Knock down the old gray wall." ("No Matter What" - Jars of Clay [originally Badfinger], identified by jomacmouse.)
9. "You may say I'm a dreamer." ("Imagine" - John Lennon, first guessed by astrogirl2.)
10. "Love is like a punishment."
11. "Are you hiding somewhere behing those eyes?" ("Electric Blue" - Icehouse, guessed by jomacmouse.)
12. "Meanwhile, I try and act so nonchalant." ("When You Walk in the Room" - Paul Carrack version, identified by jomacmouse.)
13. "Time just falls and distance small."
14. "All colors bleed to red."
15. "What do I want with white shirts?" ("Satisfaction" - Spooky Men's Chorale [originally the Rolling Stones], guessed by kerravonsen.)
16. "We can grow beards if we want to." ("Spooky Theme" - Spooky Men's Chorale, guessed by kerravonsen.)
17. "Swear allegiance to the flag, whatever flag they offer." ("Silent Running" - Mike + the Mechanics, title guessed by kerravonsen, artist guessed by astrogirl2.)
18. "My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend." ("Fly by Night" - Rush, guessed by astrogirl2.)
19. "You mess with her, you'll see a man get mean."
20. "Look around and listen for the sounds of falling down."

The first person (if any) who guesses #20 without using any type of Internet search engine gets a ficlet.

music, memes

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