Monthly goals evaluation

Jul 01, 2005 21:23

Backdated again. Was too busy to do this last month, so this is for two months.

Yearly Resolutions:

1. I will read this list every day.
2. I will be more adaptable.
3. I will smile at least once every day, no matter what.
4. I will look for the opportunity in each crisis.
5. I will strive to work without ambivalence and play without guilt.
6. I will do something every day to improve my future.
7. I will give thanks every day.

Gah. Again the problem is with not reading the list. It occurs to me today that it's because the notebook is in the living room on my worktable, and I usually come into the office for several hours first. Must post resolutions in here. Will put this at top of to-do list for this week.

2005 Goals:

1. Pay off and cancel the highest-interest credit card.
DONE!!! Yay!!

2. Write 25,000 words of FINISHED fanfiction (including finishing A Matter of Judgment and my Sekrit Fic).
Halfway through the year, have just over half the required wordage. Must get to AMoJ and Sekkrit Fic, though. Would also like to get ahead on the wordage now, since NaNoWriMo is looming.

3. Read 52 novels and short-story collections.
Weeks: twenty-six. Books: twenty-four. This is because one of the books I read in May was as long as any other three books. So I'm a little behind. Will probably be behinder at the end of July, because I've started my re-read of Harry Potter in preparation for the release of book six. Still, this is pretty good.

4. Have an outline for NaNoWriMo by October 31.
5. Have the main Christmas presents bought or made by October 31.
I have actually thought about these, which is better than nothing. :)

6. Clean and organize house to 85% of ideal.
The bathroom and bedroom are better than they were at the beginning of May. The other rooms, about the same. I have youthful company coming in August, so I'm going to concentrate this month on the living room; maybe on the office, too, since that's where the computer and video games are.

7. Complete 15 sewing and craft projects.
Only the one, still. But this month, I'm definitely making Mom something for her birthday (which is in August).

8. Add five pages to my site every month.
Only got two pages up in two months. Need to think of more stuff to add! Or write stories faster, something.

9. Put something of substance (i.e., not quizspam or whining) in my LJ at least once a week.
Had to go back and look, but yeah. Mostly fic and fic-related. Last week it was only a music meme, but that's not really quizspam. Am pleasantly surprised.

10. Make and execute a plan for keeping up personal correspondence with friends.
And once again, the road to hell is paved with my correspondence... :( Though I did make some phone calls.

11. Post progress reports on the above monthly.
As you see.

Summary: Did fairly well with the reading and writing, not so hot with cleaning and projects. Considering the therapy, I'm surprised to have done this well. And I've started making a monthly sub-list and am looking forward to seeing if that helps.

Top priorities for this month: fic, clean living room, Mom's birthday present, and though it's not in my goal list, exercise more.


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