Fic apologies and the Playlist Meme

Jun 29, 2005 23:45

I'm more than a bit annoyed with myself that the rest of Scottish Air, or at least the next chunk, hasn't been forthcoming. My only excuse is that for the last week or more, I've been in almost too much pain to even watch television - writing has been completely beyond me. I did try to write something for b7friday, but got about two paragraphs in before giving up. So, I apologize for the delay, especially to vilakins. Will get it out as soon as I can.

Playlist Meme Game

1. Put your playlist on shuffle.
2. Post the first lines to the first 25 songs to come up (along with these instructions).
3. Have people guess the songs and artists in comments to the post.
4. Post the answers to the ones people guessed correctly. A couple of days later, post the first two lines of the ones no one got and get people to guess again.
5. Repeat, adding the next line to the unguessed songs each time, until they're all guessed/you've posted the whole song/you've gotten bored/no-one's going to get the damn thing if you don't tell them.

The Lyrics

1. This hot night wind is mine, I know
2. His hair was Bible black, face like a priest
3. She came from Providence (The Eagles, 'The Last Resort', vilakins)
4. The waves keep on crashing on me for some reason
5. Well, you can have me all the time or you can never go my way
6. I like the way your sparkling earrings lay against your skin so brown ([artist needed], 'Peaceful Easy Feeling', astrogirl2)
7. She don't like to hear me sing (Sting, 'She's Too Good for Me', astrogirl2)
8. Silks and satins and velvet-soft evenings and penthouse nights
9. If somebody up there likes me, if somebody up there cares
10. I stand on my ground when we fight, no matter where we are
11. Your everlasting summer, you can see it fading fast (Steely Dan, 'Reelin' in the Years', astrogirl2)
12. Turned on the weather man just after the news
13. You could say I lost my faith in science and progress (Sting, 'If I Ever Lose My Faith in You', astrogirl2)
14. I try to think about rainbows when it gets bad
15. They say that love often passes in a second
16. If he loved you like I love you, I would walk away in shame
17. Step into the light, you're on
18. Drive 200 miles to a place I've never seen
19. Back in 1870, just beneath the Great White Way (Klaatu, 'Sub-Rosa Subway', kerravonsen)
20. I turn on the tube, and what do I see?
21. You're the one that makes my day a dream come true
22. Though I let you steer, you were cavalier
23. In our endeavor, we are never seeing eye to eye
24. Maybe it's the movies, maybe it's the books
25. On a dark December morning when the sun refused to shine

::cough:: I really do have more of a mix than that, honestly.

music, ficathons

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