back at one ; one-shot

Dec 31, 2011 22:18

back at one
angst, romance
character death
Changmin stays with Yunho for a week after dying.

Changmin dies a few minutes before the year 2011 turned to 2012.

He was supposed to spend new year with his Yunho-hyung just like they planned. Tragedy struck when the cab behind him lost control and smashed itself into Changmin’s car.

He didn’t die when his windshield shattered and the pieces cut right through his skin like it was paper.

He didn’t die when the wrecked metal broke his bones.

He didn’t die when the paramedics were trying to get him out of the scrap of metal he used to call his car.

Heck, he didn’t even die when the emergency team was mounting him on a stretcher and onto an ambulance.

But he dies when the medics were wheeling him to the emergency room and to a Yunho telling him ‘don’t die’, ‘i’ll kill you if you leave me alone’, ‘fight for me’ and switching back to the old ‘don’t die’ again.

Changmin’s last thoughts consist of ‘how did Yunho get here so fast’ and ‘i don’t want to leave Yunho alone’ but eventually, he does, and its almost heartbreaking but the ball isn’t in his hands anymore.

His heart broke to a million pieces (or probably more, if that’s even possible) after witnessing how Yunho screamed how dare you do this to me Shim Changmin when the doctor finally allowed him to see Changmin’s lifeless body.


Changmin’s guardian angel, Chunhee (a fan who died two years ago), came to fetch him the morning after his death.

“There’s no such thing as 49 days?” Changmin asks her incredulously. Chunhee’s eyes crinkles into half-moons out of amusement.

“No, souls go when they want to go.”

“A week. Come back for me after a week.”


Changmin’s funeral was nothing short of extravagant, all thanks to the company and to the fans. There were too much people and flowers and his wake seemed more like a fanmeeting (with fellow artists and the press) rather than a funeral itself (except for the monochromatic color and the crying and howling).

Yoochun and Junsu came on the second day of his funeral, straight from a flight from London. Changmin has never seen the two cry so much before and it broke his heart more.

Jaejoong paid him a visit on the fourth day. He sat beside Yunho, squeezed the other’s hand tight and rested his head on the leader’s shoulder like he never left in the first place.

The green monster of jealousy came running into Changmin’s system almost in an instant but he dismissed it immediately, knowing that Yunho needed someone to hang onto now that he’s gone.

He also notes mentally that ghosts - or spirits, pfft - can still feel jealousy.

Yunho never cried all throughout the wake though. And it broke Changmin’s heart just a little bit more, if that’s even possible.


Cry for me.


The night after Changmin’s body was cremated, Yunho cried. Finally.

Changmin has never seen Yunho cry so much before.

Not when he broke up with Jaejoong.

Not when the three went their separate ways.

Not even when Changmin broke up with him (but came crawling back a week after).

But probably because Yunho cried behind closed doors. He’s not sure though.

Changmin takes back his wish. Seeing Yunho cry kills him, especially when he can’t do anything to help him anymore.

I’m sorry, Yunho. Please don’t cry anymore.


“Have I told you that you’re one selfish asshole, Shim Changmin?” Chunhee tells him with a half-frown half-smile.

Changmin grins. “Angels are allowed to swear?”

He receives a smack on the back of his head for that smart-ass remark.

“You need to leave tomorrow.”

Changmin stares at the outline of Yunho’s back, his eyes softening even more and more with each passing second. “Can I at least speak to him before I go?”

Chunhee rolls her eyes. “That’s illegal. You could send him a letter though.”

“Oh… okay.”


When Yunho wakes up the next morning, there’s already a piece of paper on the bedside table which he doesn’t remember seeing the night before. Funny because it has Changmin’s penmanship on it.

Here I go, dishonestly leaving you with only a note.

Its time for you to open new doors with new possibilities.

Your life didn’t end just because mine did.

Love you.

A/N: This was a little bit inspired by an OT5 fic I have read a long time ago, Yoochun's ghosts. I have yet to find the original link to the fic so if anyone knows where it is, please help me. Thank you. I must also apologize for the lack of update in my part. The combination of lack of muse, no time, too much school work and writer's block is a deadly combo, mind you. Thanks for reading this fic, by the way! :D

fic: one-shot

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