『 make me wonder 』

Feb 12, 2012 15:08

make me wonder
yunjae, homin
Marriage, a dream job and a secret - three important things Yunho acquired in the last five years. But what if Yunho forgot the five years of his life because of an accident?



Yunho is startled when he wakes up in a white room (that is definitely not his room) with having no precise clue about what happened the night before except for the throbbing in his head that he passes off as a hangover and the numbing sensation all over his body.

Loud, deafening music.

Bodies grinding with each other.

Colorful, blinding lights.


Oh shit.

He vaguely remembers attending Yoochun’s - that bastard - party. He must’ve ended up having too much to drink - either that or Yoochun (or Heechul, that bitch) spiked up his drink with some kind of a drug (hopefully not that date rape drug or something). Yeah, it kind of explains the horrible hangover right now and the random roo- oh shit. Did he sleep with someone and completely forgot about it?

Yunho makes a move to sit up but the numbing sensation all over his body is preventing him from doing so. “Look, I’m sorry about yesterday night but I swear it was purely unintentional. I was drunk and I didn’t know what I was doing so we can totally forget everything that ever happened between the two of us.”

Just as he was about to continue, laughter filled the whole room.

“Oh my freaking God, Yunho. That’s the best line I have ever heard in my entire life!” A voice - Heechul’s, Yunho recognizes - tells him, still trying to fight off the laughter and catch his breath.

“Are you really awake now, hyung? Or are you having another disoriented dream? Heechul-hyung, should we call the nurse?” Another voice - Donghae’s - asks him. There was something in Donghae’s voice, worry, maybe?

“I’m awake, Donghae-yah...”

And that’s when the realization hit Yunho.

His head snaps to the side and he sees the IV tube on his left arm which was connected to a half-filled dextrose. He looks to his other side and sees his right arm covered with a thick wrap of bandage.

“Will one of you enlighten my mind as to why I’m currently at a hospital?” He questions. One could only imagine how many things are going on inside Yunho’s mind at the moment.

Heechul snorts and pops a grape into his mouth before replying. “A bus ran over you. Lucky bastard. Tsk.”

Yunho choke on his spit… if that’s even possible.

“Then how am I-“

The red-headed male guffaws at Yunho’s reaction. On the other hand, Yunho just looks at him, at loss.

The youngest of the three shakes his head. “That’s not funny Heechul-hyung.” Donghae turns to Yunho, “The taxi you were on had a dysfunctional brake and it fell off of a seven-meter cliff. It so happens that the door jerked open and you flew away, hitting your head on a trunk of a tree or something in the process. You were out for nineteen days.”

Yunho gapes.

“I… Uh… That’s even worse… I think.”

“Yeah. You should know how much everyone went batshit to almost hysterical when the news of your accident reached us. We all thought you were gonna die but it seems that you’re such a lucky bastard that whoever is in charge of death and the like decided to give you another shot at life for the second time.”

Yunho looks at him. “Second time?”

Donghae jabs Heechul on the gut before turning to flash a smile at Yunho, completely ignoring Heechul’s glaring form from behind. “We were all so worried about you, hyung, especially Changmin-sshi.”

Yunho stops.


The Shim Changmin from his Biology class in high school?

“Changmin? What the flying fuck are you talking about?”

Donghae looks at him in sheer confusion while Heechul just raises a questioning eyebrow. “Hello? Changmin? Your husband. Ring any bells?”

Yunho narrows his eyes at them.

“You’re shitting me. Shim Changmin the genius?”

Donghae and Heechul nod. Yunho rolls his eyes casually.

Heechul glares at him before heaving out a sigh. “Yeah. Changmin from our Bio class. The one you always had the hots for. What the fuck is wrong with you, Jung Yunho? Are you denying your husband? Did you have a lovers’ quarrel or something?”

“Stop joking around, Kim Heechul. Its not funny. I’m not even married yet.” The irritation was starting to get into Yunho. He doesn’t like jokes like this one at all. Its downright cruel and unfunny.

Heechul searches Yunho’s eyes for something - anything, but when he doesn’t find what he’s looking for, he gasps… dramatically. “…Oh my God… you’re not joking, are you?”

“Now aren’t you the one who’s pulling a prank on me?”

Donghae gulps and fears for the worst. He prays to whoever he conceives his creator to be - prays that he’s wrong. He has heard about something like this from his brother’s wife, but no, he must be wrong. He must be.

“Yunho-hyung… we’re not… we’re not joking.” Donghae tells Yunho carefully, hoping that this was all some kind of a joke.

Yunho flashes them a baleful glare. “Stop it, you guys. Its not even funny anymore.”

“Donghae… I think we should call the doctor.”


The doctor tells them that Yunho is currently suffering from selective amnesia due to the almost deadly blow that his head had received due to the accident.

Five years. That’s how much Yunho has forgotten. It sucks though, because those five years were the prime of his life.

Apparently, four and a half years ago, Changmin and Yunho started dating. They decided to get married exactly a year after they got together.

Yunho was also promoted as the district’s manager two years ago, and was promoted again as the regional manager three months ago.

One can only imagine how much Yunho hates himself right now.


“Changmin’s coming here in a few minutes. I rang him up to tell him about your condition and as expected, he thinks I’m pulling a prank on him or whatnot and decides that he’s coming to see you for himself. Stubborn man is stubborn. You two are too alike for your own good.” Heechul says to Yunho, pushing his iPhone back in his pocket.


The air was suddenly filled with tension when Changmin enters the room. Yunho, being the stupid, stuttering mess he always has been when he’s around Changmin (or at least the Yunho around Changmin five years ago), ends up not talking at all, and this frustrates Changmin even more.

“What the fuck did you do to him, Heechul?!” Changmin hisses almost dangerously at Heechul, glaring at the man like there’s no tomorrow.

“Hey, its still ‘hyung’ to you, you brat. And as far as I remember, I wasn’t the one driving the cab when he got into an accident.” Heechul spats back with equal deviance as Changmin’s, rivaling the other perfectly well.

Changmin glares at Heechul one last time before turning back to Yunho with a concerned expression.

“Yunho… you really don’t remember me?”

Yunho looks down and shrugs. “I do remember you. You’re Shim Changmin, the resident genius in my biology class. You’re known for your witty remarks and bluntness. But that’s it.”

Changmin looks at him - really looks at him, as if trying to find something in Yunho’s eyes, something that could tell him that this was all a big joke, but he finds none.

“You really don’t remember me…Yunho?” Yunho notices how Changmin’s fighting to keep himself from crying right now. The sight is endearing, really, but somehow, it scares him.

“I’m sorry, Changmin-ssi. I’m sorry.”

It was Heechul who broke the ice.

“Okay. I’m gonna step out because I think I’m going to puke any second now. Donghae, you’re welcome to accompany me anytime you want.” And with that, Heechul’s gone.

Donghae sends them a small smile before following Heechul.


Two weeks later.

“I don’t understand, Yunho! I don’t understand! Will you enlighten my mind because I clearly do not understand!” Heechul shrieks. The image of a screaming banshee suddenly invades his mind because Heechul looks like one right now, not that he’ll tell that to Heechul because heck, he still wants to live, okay?

“Hyung, don’t you think Yunho hyung’s old enough to decide on his own?” Donghae tells him.

“Not after he forgot five years of his life, Donghae.” Yunho sighs. He definitely saw that one coming.

“But its hyung’s life, Heechul-hyung. And besides, Changmin’s a good person and besides, he’s still Yunho-hyung’s husband - with or without the amnesia. Your animosity towards him is beyond me.”

Heechul sighs and turns to Yunho. “Are you sure you’ll be okay with him?”

Yunho smiles. “Heechul, I’ve been crushing on the man as long as I could remember. This is like a dream come true for me.”

“Fine. But if he gives you any headaches, give me a call.”


Changmin’s loft was beyond his expectation. It was white - too white, but with a touch of grey. Everything looks so modern and so crisp and Yunho couldn’t help but feel mediocre.

“This house is yours just as much as it is mine.” Changmin tells him with a loving smile before pressing a kiss on his cheek.

Yunho stumbles back, a little surprised at the sudden intimate contact. “I’m - I’m sorry. Its just… it’s a habit. I used to kiss you on the cheek all the time.” Changmin apologizes quickly as he backs away.

“Its okay. I’ll get used to it… I think.”

“Won’t your memories come back?”

“I… I don’t know.”

Changmin bites his lower lip.

“Changmin-ssi, I have a question, although, you’re free to not answer it if it’s a little uncomfortable for your liking.” Yunho pauses.

“Who tops?”

Changmin blushes - like, really, really blushes.


Shim Changmin bottoms.


“Yunho… are you sure you’ll be okay?” Changmin asks him for the nth time, looking at him in full concern.

“I’ll be okay, Changmin-ssi. I have selective amnesia, not impaired.” Yunho tries to reassure him with a small grin. “Okay. I’ll call every two hours, alright?”

“Its okay, Changmin-ssi. You really don’t need to.”

“I do. You’re my husband and I have to take care and keep an eye on you.” Yunho’s heart starts to beat like crazy. Somehow, this seem like a dream come true to him. Changmin and him - married.

“I - uh - you need to go now, Changmin-ssi, or else you’ll be late for your work.”

“Okay, okay. Take care, please?” Changmin leans forward to plant a small kiss on Yunho’s cheek before turning to leave.


An hour after Changmin’s department, a man who looks gorgeous enough to land him on a cover of Vogue (Vogue Italia, mind you) appears in front of the door. The stranger’s eyes were a bit puffy - probably from crying, who knows?

Just as Yunho was about to tell him that Changmin’s at work (he got stunned for about a second or two, the man was just stunning, okay?) because the man at his door either needed his coughwifecough or knocked on the wrong door, said man pushed his way inside the apartment.

Yunho stares at him for a whole minute without talking.

“You didn’t call.” The man says in a small voice and Yunho has to strain his ears just to be able to hear it. “Excuse m-“

“You didn’t call and I had to hear about the accident from my mother’s maids, my mother’s maids, Yunho! I overheard them talking that you got into this big accident and that you almost died and gods I thought - I thought - I thought -“ The stranger pauses to breathe and collect himself. Yunho gapes, not knowing what to say or what to think, because of obvious reasons and well… the stranger looks like he’s about to cry.

“I wanted to visit you in the hospital… I did, once, but your friends were there and they were skeptical but - but I managed to give them a good alibi so we’re still safe. God, Yunho. Don’t you ever ever do that to me again! Next time, when that happens, God forbid, please please please call me after you wake up. I thought I was going to lose you.”

Yunho gapes some more. None of these are making sense. “I - uh… I’m sorry. Do I know you?”


The man, Jaejoong, almost had the audacity to hurl everything he saw in the loft - but he does not do so. Instead, he gives Yunho a glare so cold that it could freeze hell itself, telling him stop playing around, its not funny and amnesia only happens in dramas.

And so, Yunho explains - long and broken since he, himself, does not know everything about the amnesia and his life in the last five years. Jaejoong does not say anything all throughout the story. He gives the occasional nods and shrugs but not a single sound was heard from him.

After the whole story, Yunho sighs. “I know you probably think I’m lying because not everyone wakes up with an amnesia, a selective one at that, but as hard as it might be on you, its hard for me too. I just - I’m sorry for having forgotten you. The doctor didn’t say anything about recovering my memories and that sucks but yeah. I’m sorry but I’ll really really try to remember you and the rest.”

Jaejoong nods and turns to leave, but as soon as he was in front of the door, he flies back to Yunho. Within a split-second, Jaejoong’s lips touch Yunho’s - a soft and chaste kiss.

“For you to remember.”

And with that, the man was out of the door.


A/N: A new fic. Rest assured that this is a yunjae fic, not a fifty-percent yunjae fifty-percent homin one. Based on Sophie Kinsella's Remember Me? with several twists. I apologize for the lack of update in my part. I have yet to master the art of time management. Yeah, I know, I suck.

And please, read and comment? It makes me happy.

fic: make me wonder

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