Oct 09, 2012 00:35
It's finally happened! After over 2000 games and about seven years, somebody left a game of Deal or No Deal at the second offer! It's never happened before, and to be honest it did mean that there was quite a bit of fairly dull padding out in the last half-hour of the programme. I mean, they even had a montage at the end to fill out the time!
Anyway, Josh was the player who decided that £8000 was too much money to turn down, even though there were still fourteen boxes left unopened in the game. And, of course, he wasn't to know that the board would have become stronger and stronger as his game progressed at the time he took the cash. But that's exactly what happened.
So, whilst I entirely respect Josh's decision to scarper with eight grand so early on, and it was interesting to see such an early deal this time, I hope this doesn't become a regular occurrence. There's only so much padding out I can take!