Oct 10, 2012 00:03
For reasons too interesting to go into, I found myself listening to a recording of my old band that I used to be in earlier this evening. By which I mean I did the listening earlier this evening, and not that I was playing in the band earlier this evening. I was actually in the band about ten years ago. Hope that's clear.
Enough time had passed since I last heard these songs that I'd forgotten a good chunk of the lyrics, even though I'd written every single word of them myself. And It struck me that the lyrics I'd penned over a decade ago were little more than the emo bleatings of a guy struggling, and ultimately failing, to make sense of the world around him.
Not much changes, then.
Hey, did you see today's Deal or No Deal? I did, and because of that I know that Gill had an amazingly strong climax to her game. It was just a shame that she'd already dealt for £24,000 before that happened.