So my boredom continues...

Mar 08, 2009 12:47

 So! This is like my second post and honestly, I don't know what to really write about! XD

The application for the school I'm going to has been sent so somewhere in September, I'd be able to enter year/grade eleven... fun...
Though, location which one I'm going, I'm not going to post because, well... I'm sorta all over the place these days. Manchester, Boston, Perth, Hong Kong and London (Now it's just Europe, Africa and Antartica to visit.)... in the span of three and a half years. Jet lag and all, I've been doozing around the net aimlessly. It's fun until there's these forms and stuff. Still consider Edinburgh my home because that is my home!

Anyways, home and text books and tutors isn't something I want to stick to my whole life. Gotta get out there, into the real world again some day. Last time I've been to school... gosh, grade six? It seemed so long ago.
Bored. Bored. Bored!

I think I know my life goal thingy! Yay!!!!!!!!! It's totally brilliant! I love designing and drawing clothes and stuff so I decided that would be my number one career, Fashion Design! I don't know much about it but at the school I'm going to, they have a program dedicated to stuff to do with fashion and design so I'm quite proud of myself. *grins*

So yes! I'm happy after all.

hi, post, travel, life goal

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