School Exams and School Camp quadweek

May 21, 2009 19:37

For the first two weeks is the pre-entrance exams for the school I'm going to in September. The guy (haha. I'm not that easy to be tricked. Not going to say his name that would immediately link to the school he governs.) said it would help determine exactly which class each student will go into that would have the level that best suits the students capabilities. I'm quite capable of English and Maths but Chemistry and Psychology? *throws hand down* Get out!

So yes, we're all doing the whole lot (well, those who are new and those who want to know just how good they are and those who are unsure of what they are capable of). Every freaking subject's exams in two weeks and at least one 3 hour exam on each of those days (excluding Sunday and including Saturday). If you don't know just how many exams that is for some students, it's AT LEAST 12 bloody exams. Some who want to do sepcialist programs have to do more than 12 AND be interviewed; such as in music. Zac and a couple of his siblings (who still are of age to attend primary/high schools) go to this school I'm going to go to (so I already know some people at least) and Albert (who has already graduated from it) says he passed all 12 AND the extended sport course exam in grade ten. CRAZY! It wasn't this wild back in the UK! (i think.)

After that would be two weeks of school study camp (yes, I know. strange school I'm going to attend, ey?). I'm still not going to revel which school this is (nah-nah-nah! :P) until I'm at least two months into the school year. The camp isn't like an outdoorsy camp unfortunately (shame. XD), it'll be on campus studying sessions held by lectures, professors and teachers to help year tens, elevens and tweleve transition into what ever they are transitioning to. In my case, into grade 12; and also to get to know each other incase some of us are new (it's a pretty young school. Founded by dude (not saying his name. hahaha!) in 2000. (shoot. I gave something away... *face palm*)) It's like we're having a big fucking sleep over with complete strangers! The girls are at one side of the campus and the guys on the other side. How ironic. It's as if they're afraid students would get sexy at nights when it's night at a school with housing. (*shifty eyes*)

At the moment, I've done my Psychology, Foreign Language (I've choosen Latin), History of Art, History of War (both of those History exams were on the same freaking day!) and English. Nine more to go! (yes, I'm doing 14 exams. *snore*) Results come on Sunday after the last exam finishes on the Saturday before. Then on the Monday on wards is study camp. You don't know just how awesome the campus is. It's like a mini town! *school is loved*

Until next time!

Ciao! *waves*

*crosses fingers*

exams, hi, post, love, school

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