Jan 16, 2009 20:31
Hiya all viewers!
I'm MissyHeart [MissyHeart2009], also commonly [no idea how commonly tho...] known as Heather! Sixteen, clumpsy and utterly hopeless at Chemisty [I don't even do Chemistry!] *eyeroll*.
I'm learning to use the PC and so far, I think I'm doing well. *shifty eyes* *coughs*
It is the school holidays at the moment but that doesn't make any difference to me because... well, you'll know from my profile. [shhh! Spoilers!- River Song from DW]
I'm a fan of Doctor Who, Life of Mars, Ashes to Ashes, Harry Potter and... omg, I must be some junkie! *laughs evily only to cough non-stop at the end*
So yeah. I'm a new newbie [n00b, bahaha!].
Hope to know some of you! :)
P.S: what are you talking about? Sleep? What's that? Wait, no, don't explain. I don't want to be convinced about Sleep. *grins maniacly*
about me,