This Mornings "Parenting a Ten Year Old Boy Rant"

Sep 16, 2016 08:20

Seriously children!! He behaves completely half assed when asked to do ANYTHING that pertains to cleaning up after himself. When I tell him he doesn't clean up after himself and then I have to do it he is like, "Well then tell me and I will clean it up."

Today I go to clean up his dirty fingerprints from the wall and he sees me and then I tell him to do it because they are obviously his fingerprints and then he becomes a lawyer. "Well how do you know they are mine?"

"Well maybe because my hands are NEVER that dirty. I don't walk around with a compulsion to touch the walls constantly and if I did they aren't my height they are YOURS and we are the only two people that live here. I don't have any finger printing capability but I don't care. CLEAN IT PLEASE."

And he STILL fucking is asking me "What do you mean fingerprints?" While I am telling him the discussion is over. I am not a C.S.I., the conversation is over, it's your mess clean it. Then he does a thoroughly half-assed job of washing the walls and says well it's because I couldn't see. He said this AFTER I turned the light on and specifically said, "NOW YOU CAN SEE IF IT IS CLEAN!"

So I told him. You tell me not to clean up after you and tell you to do it but then I get this kind of response! I get a half-assed effort. I get you giving me the 20 questions and trying to act like it wasn't your mess.

If I could talk to my son like an adult I would have said, "You wonder why I don't tell you to clean it. Because I know when I do it, it will be clean when I am fucking done and I won't have to hear you bitch and complain about doing something SO FREAKIN SIMPLE that would literally take you 1 minute INSTEAD OF THE TEN IT TOOK ME to try to get you to simply DO IT PROPERLY WHEN I FIRST ASKED YOU!!!!

Rant over.

I still put a mario candy in his bag with a post it note with a heart on it because I don't get to see him this weekend. Going to my besties. #momguilt


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