His Resignation was His Confession

Jan 31, 2010 19:05

So, I just watched this movie called, Doubt. It had Amy Adams, Meryll Streep and some other dude. It was about some nuns and a priest and it, surprisingly, did not suck. The whole thing was about one nun named Sister...something. She was convinced that the priest had a certain relationship with the lttle black boy. He denied it and such and the whole thing turned out to be entertaining. Believe it or not.

I suppose you may be wondering why my icon is 'Facepalm.' Well, it's simple really. Mom and dad have decided to bring Lily back in the house. I'm seriously starting to dispise that dog. Anyway, Lily was just giving a bath and had to go outside. Mom didn't want her to track mud in the house so she rummaged through our drawers and found four of my socks, slipped them on Lily's feet and let her go outside, all the while laughing about how funny it was to see Lily walk across the floor in the socks. It wasn't all that funny. Idiotic, actually. It annoyed me. Now you can tell that I'm not in the mos spectacular moods.

On a decent note. School has been cancelled for tomorrow. It's only a decent note. I didn't want to go back, but then again I wanted to go back so much. I hate being at home. My parents are annoyances who really get under my skin. I swear I am the only adult in  the house. Sad, isn't it. The child is the adult. Pathetic, really. Anyway, I was looking forward to seeing my wonderful baby tomorrow, but I can't. Damn it. I really want to, too. Maybe some sort of being will change my mom's mind.

Earlier a muse struck my fancy. I wanted tio write something so bad I couldn't stand it. So, I poised a question on my Facebook status saying,"I want to write something. Any ideas?" Jordan ssaid a tree. And that gave me a wonderful idea. Sounds really corny, but I really like the thought. It was about a old man, extremely old. He was on the brink of dying at any moment and some tree seeds and stuff and dying and stuff. I really don't feel like typing it out. But the main gist is that when this old man planted the seed, the city that surrounded it had been dead and empty. While the tree is growing the town becomes a booming town and is very popular and such. Well, these people, contractors, want to tear down the tree to build a church but they don't know that the town's growth is connected to the tree and if the tree dies the town will become a ghost town like before. I know! It's really pathetic, but its something to write about and littered with symbolism and stuff. It's something I haven't done before and the idea just came to me so..yeah..Don't judge. >.>

May I say that I hate this computer? Alright. I hate this computer. Absolutly HATE this computer. HATE IT! It's too slow. I can type and then sit her for five minutes after I'm done typing and just watch my words go across the scree. So freakin' annoying. GOD!

Mom's cooking breakfast for supper. It smells disgusting. Yuck. >.>

snow day, facepalm, jeremiah, story, school

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