So, I.

Jan 31, 2010 12:18

So, I finished Princess Tutu after starting the whole series...Friday night? Yeah. Friday night. Not many episodes but it was really good. I'm surprised I enjoyed it as much as I did. There were some very memorable characters like Fakir and Femio. Haha. Femio. He annoyed me. xD

I'm extremely bored right now. I don't really have anything to do. Jeremiah just woke up not too long ago, and I guess he's having to get himself woken up more and take care of things before he says hi to me. I wonder..Does he even read this anymore? I know I haven't posted in a week, but does he still check to see if I have? It's just a livejournal, afterall.

All of The beautiful snow is finally melting. It was so pretty. I made my first snowman on Friday. Haha. That's sad isn't it? I'm 17 years old and I had never made a snowman before until a couple days ago. I've never made a snowangel either, but who wants snow all over their back? Not me.

A sad spell just hit me. I am so lonely right now. God, I hate this feeling. I shouldn't stay on this subject. I should be quiet. This feeling will pass soon enough. Besides, I'll be able to see him tomorrow. I can survive one more day, I think.

My momma never fixed our computer, so we now have my granddaddy's old peice of junk one. I think we have dial-up again, too. I don't know. I hate dial-up. And because of dial-up and Jeremiah's phone and such, I'll be talking to him a lot less. I feel like I don't talk to him enough as it is, but that's just me. Besides, talking to him but not being able to see him or touch him or be close to him only makes me miss him more. Heh. There I go. Being the silly romantic girl I always am. I really should be quiet. He knows I love him more than anything. I know he knows. I don't need to tell him that every second of the day. He won't forget it.

Subject change. But I don't know what to change it too. I love to talk about him.

I'm staring out the window right now. Watching the birds as they eat the bird food on the birdfeeder. They are so pretty. Cardinals I think. Yeah. That's what they are. Birds are so funny to watch. They're so pretty too.

By the way, I did this a while back. Trent's girlfrend tagged me on Facebook to do this 60 Facts About Me thing. I'll jst go ahead and post it here. For a fun read. Oh my god, Jeremiah just messaged me and it popped up with a loud noise and I jumped. Heh...Now I'm laughing at myself.

1. Bulbasaur is my favorite Pokemon.
2. I make music videos by putting random peices of movies together to music.
3. As soon as I wake up, I HAVE to put my regular clothes on.
4. I hate pajamas.
5. Barney was my favorite show when I was little.
6. The mayor in The Nightmare Before Christmas scares the hell out of me.
7. I love to bake and make sweets.
8. I can't cook a nutrious meal to save my life.
9. Random text messages from anyone makes me smile.
10. I hate Rap.
11. Kelly Michaels has been my best friend since 3rd grade.
12. My 8th grade teacher said that one day she would see my name in lights for writing a book that inspired a movie.
13. I believe her.
14. I broke my ankle in 7th grade from falling off a bus.
15. So far, I've broken 7 bones in my body. Those are individual bones. I didn't count breaking my ankle twice and what not.
16. I accidently shot myself in the leg when I was younger. I still have the scar.
17. I shoot. A lot. I'm a dead-eye. Don't mess with me. You'll die. xD
18. I draw random things.
19. I always get the Chicken Teriaki from Subway with Lettuce, Mayo, Onions, and Olives.
20. I'm great at keeping secrets because I usualy forget them a day after I'm told.
21. I love hats. Give me a hat and I'm a happy camper.
22. I hate camping and being outside.
23. I was given the nickname 'Squee' after being at the lake and falling off the boat. Apparently it sounded like I said Squee.
24. I'm not good at receiving gifts.
25. I love giving advice, but I can never take my own.
26. I was born with a twin. He died shortly after birth.
27. I love to watch birds.
28. I can never keep my balance.
29. I use to be one of those strange emo kids that stay in corners.
30. I love the color pink.
31. I've tried smoking. I hated it.
32. I would rather be stabbed or shot then burned or buried alive.
33. Occasionally, I'll go blind. I don't know why. I just do.
34. I don't have my tonsils anymore.
35. I can't stand Rascal Flatts.I change the station everytime I hear them on the radio.
36. I believe that everyone has a soul-mate.
37. I can't stand the words 'fart', 'poot', or any other word that involves the ass. I can't even believe I typed that. I made myself gag. Yuck.
38. I'm awful at Math.
40. I love school.
41. I hate the smell of fish.
42. Midgets scare the hell out of me.
43. I'm jealous of my best friend.
44. It's easy to hurt my feelings.
45. I tend to over think things.
46. If you play with my hair, I'll fall asleep.
47. When I get bored, I tickle my own arm.
48. I have horrible road rage.
49. I sing very loud in the car.
50. I love to swing.
51. I'll stick up for anyone. I have a big heart.
52. I want everyone to love me. But we can't all get what we want.
53. I hate being laughed at and talked about.
54. I cry. A lot.
55. If I'm staring out the window, something's wrong.
56. I don't rolepay anymore.
57. I'm not a slut and I have never had sex. So quit saying I do.
58. I don't believe in waiting until marriage.
59. I believe in gay rights.
60. I am Caitlin LaShea Flynt.
 There. Anything surprising? Nah.

blah, jeremiah, fun, random, facts

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