
Jan 18, 2010 20:48

I'm having a moment. A very bad moment. I just got through ranting to Kelly about Kathy and now I feel like crying for no good reason. I guess a lot of stuff is being piled onto me at the moment. I'm stressed about school and I miss Jeremiah like hell. I've barely talk to him all weekend, save for Friday night. Right now I just need him here to hold me and play with my hair or something. He has no idea how much I've missed that or how much I miss him. God know's it's a hell of a lot.

I just need to calm myself down. I just need to breathe. I'm sorry for you guys having to read this. I just need to type and type a considerably large amount for no good reason.

Is it wrong for a girl to want people to like her? Not 'like-like', but enough to say, "Hey, I want to be her friend." Jeremiah says it shouldn't matter to me what people think about who I am, that I should just be myself and if no one likes it, then they don't matter. That he's the only one who matters. He's right about that. He is the only one who truly, in all honesty, truly matters. But, I'm Caitlin. I'm the girl who wants everyone to like her. I'm the girl who wants to be everyone's friend and I have to always please everyone. I shouldn't be that way. It only gets me hurt, but I still try, don't I? I always try.

I'm tired. I think I'll just go to bed now. No use in wasting anymore of your time as you read a silly LJ post. I'll be better tomorrow as long as I get my morning hug from Jeremiah. He can always cheer me up, and he doesn't even have to try.

sad, rant

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