New Icons!

Jan 18, 2010 18:58

So, I was looking through my icons and on a whim, I decided to delete them all and start over, making them relate to some emotion. The theme: Favorite movies! So, there's some Sweeney Todd, The Lion King, and some Harry Potter. I'll show them to you now and tell you the emotion/reason behind them all, that way you can know for sure my mood behind each and every post.

 > This is my general picture. A.K.A my default. According to people, I am most like Mrs. Lovett from Sweeney Todd, so I found it fitting to use her as my general ID for around the site of LJ.

 > This is my happy picture. A bit sadistic, but still. I like it. You'll know I'm in a great mood by this icon. :)

 > This is my random/blah picture. This is when I'm in a gitty mood, or I'm just posting for the hell of it and I don't feel anything and I just want to smile for five seconds.

 > This is my..well, you sorta guessed it. This is for when I'm going to talk about Jeremiah or I feel very loving and what not. Gotta love Simba and Nala. :)

 > This is my shocked/confused/wtf picture. Enough said.

> Every person has a facepalm moment. This is used when I'm annoyed or..something.

 > This is my angry picture. It's used when I'm really ticked off at something and I'm just mad at the whole world.

 > This is my sad/depressed/really upset picture. Used when..Well, that's obvious.

So, that's a look through all of my icons. And now time for my day!

I sat at the computer, talked to Kelly Ruth, announced the winner to her community thingy, ate, cooked supper, and..that's about it.
It's been a rather boring day. I can't wait to go back to school and see Jeremiah tomorrow. :)

icon glossary, blah, day

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