
Jan 20, 2010 19:36

In all honesty, I don't know why I'm posting. Maybe it's just to post, or maybe my heart is telling me to just start typing and let a whole bunch of crap out for the whole world to read. But, I don't know if I really want to do that. Eh, who knows. I probably will.

Today was boring, but on average, it was pretty decent. In Trigonometry, I understood a bunch of stuff, but then we had a quiz and Eh. I didn't do as well as I wanted. But Jeremiah check my stuff so I know I passed it. In Chemistry, we did Scientific Notation and Ms. Cofer rambled on and on about Sig figs and rounding and ugh. Very annoying. In Spanish, I didn't my little speech thingy. I aced it. Then in CAD, there was a wrestling match. Boring as hell...but then again, I doubt Hell is boring. Eh. Anyway...

I got really depressed during that match. I was perfectly fine at the first half of it, but then about 30 minutes till, I just got really depressed and I just wanted to hold Jeremiah and never let him go. I don't know what came over me, to tell the truth. He didn't do anything to make me upset. I just...I dunno. I know I didn't want to leave him though. Hell, if I could I would keep him in my pocket and carry him around with me all day. Heh. I just made myself smile. I hate leaving Jeremiah. I really do. It always kills me. I'm like that little puppy that starts whining and messing things up as soon as their owner leaves. Not that Jeremiah owns me, because he doesn't, though I am his. It's just an example. I love him so freakin' much. I can't wait until we can finally be together and not worry about school and things like that, and every day I would know that I would see him in the morning because I would wake up beside him. God, that would be fantastic. I'm typing too much. I'm going to be quiet about that.

Callie made me very uncomfortable today, too. It was too odd. I was going to tell Jeremiah, but it just felt...odd saying out loud. Besides, after he reads it, he'll understand why I didn't say it out loud, because I obviously REALLY HATE that word. HATE IT. But, that's beside the point. We were just at lunch and she told me that she was really.......god, I can't even type the word...*I should really get over this*...'Sexually...umm..'..nah. 'Turned on.'. Yeah, that's better. She told me that she was really turned on and such and then just started hitting on me and saying that me and her should go to the theater this weekend and that I need to sit beside her at lunch and take care of her and what-not.  *Shudders* Can I say it really creeped me out? I know the whole bi thing, no need in reminding me. But it really creeped me out that it was one of my best friends and she wasn't kidding and she knows I have a boyfriend and she shouldn't be....I dunno the word...sorta hitting on me? I told her to be quiet that I have Jeremiah and even if I didn't have him, I wouldn't do anything with her because I'm not a whore and whatnot. And she, of course, started bitching and complaining about how I was hers first and blah blah blah. A whole bunch of crap. *hits head on desk*

For anyone who plans on hitting on me in the future, excluding Jeremiah, Kelly, and Sarah, DON'T. Please, for God's freakin sake. Don't hit on me or tell me how turned on you are and want me to help you with that. I only help one person. One. And if you're name isn't Jeremiah/Caitlin's Boyfriend/Wonderful, Amazing, Incredibly Sexy, Jeremiah/J-E-R-E-M-I-A-H...Don't hit on me!

...>.> Okay, so I may have went a bit lot overboard. But it's all true. >.

overall, depressing, jeremiah, sad, taggy, love, wtf?, update, life, day

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