Rain, Rain, go away.

Jan 16, 2010 22:05

So, last night I talked to Jeremiah for a pretty decent long while. Shorter than most times we talk, but that's perfectly fine. We don't need to be on the phone for over three hours at a time. His bluetooth started dying and he said he would charge it for an hour. We hung up. I called back an hour and a half later and no answer. And guess what. I didn't get upset! Isn't that a first? Haha. I, actually, was perfectly fine with it. Even though I wanted to tell him goodnight, I didn't mind. And that is not sarcasm. Seriously. I really am proud of myself for that. Yay for Caitlin!
Anyway, I went to bed at around 9:30ish and I had the strangest dream that I will not relay on the intraweb.

So, I woke up at 8:30 this morning, having slept pretty decent. I fell asleep on my side so when I woke up my back was killing me, and I happened to be woken up by my dad yelling at me to get my butt out of bed and into the kitchen. it wasn't a very nice start, but it was a start at least. Dad had been in the mood to make pancakes for Momma, so I got some, too. Then I took a shower and checked my facebook seeing if I had any replies about if anyone knew a resturant or something that was hiring. No help there, of course. But in any case, I get dressed and head to town, stopping everywhere from Angie's Catering, Karly's Kitchen, Holder's Smokehouse, CATO's, Shoney's, The Patrick Center, Tractor Supply, The Coffee Shoppe, Piggly Wiggly, and I think somewhere else, but I forgot. I only got a application form Shoney's, The Coffee Shoppe, Tractor Supply, and Piggly Wiggly....and they aren't even hiring. Tomorrow, I'm just going to try my luck at Ardmore.

Well, then I come home and I sit down for five minutes. FIVE MINUTES. The phone rings. It's Faith. She's in Shebyville and she needs to be picked up. Guess who has to go back out in the pouring rain to go pick up their sister. Yup, you guess it. Me. I go to pick her up and almost have a wreck with an idiot who hydroplaned in the opposite lane. Not fun. Not fun at all. Frightening as hell. But I make it there alive and I get her and my mom calls saying that I should just take Faith to my grandmother's. So, being the good daughter I am, I make the extra trip and drop her off and I visted with my grandmother for a couple hours, happy to not be driving for once all day. But, as soon as I get home, I'm sent off again to my Aunt Geraldine's. Not that it's a bad thing, but it was raining and it was cold and I felt like I hadn't been able to take a break all day. I was having a 'Just-Leave-Me-Alone,-I-Want-To-Be-Home-For-At-Least-Ten-Minute's.Don't-Talk-To-Me' kind of moment. But I finally get back home. I lay in bed and I just lay there. I'm exhausted. Then, I play I Wanna Be The Guy and I talk to my baby for a few minutes before my parents left for town, brought me back a Strawberry Shake and 'The Proposal'. So, if Jeremiah's practice isn't much longer or whatever, I'll be an extremely happy camper.

But, then again, I don't know if I can't stay up long enough for him to finish practice. Oh well. There's not school tomorrow and I don't go to church, so staying up later won't hurt anything but my neck. Eh, my neck's already hurting...So's my back, but I can still try my best to wait.

jobs, jeremiah, rainy, exhausted, long day, i wanna be the guy

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