Your eyes tell the stories...

Jan 17, 2010 19:14

This has been stolen from Kelly Ruth, a.k.a nuitsongeur .

Ten Things You Could Say to Ten Different People Right Now

1. I really wish you would quit jumping on me. You've gotten too big and it really hurts when you bite me. I know you still think your really small and don't hurt people, but I'm not all that strong and it hurts.
2. You're an annoying brat who I sincerely hate. Thank you.
3. You're a pretty cool dude. Just quit saying you love her more than I do. I've known her longer.
4. You really get on my nerves. You should start acting like an adult and not a six year old brat.
5. I use to think you were an awesome friend, but now I know you're only a selfish bitch. I hope you die.
6. You are absolutely wonderful. The most amazing person I have ever met. I just wish I could show you how much I really care more than I already do. You've changed me for the better and I love you so very much.
7. You are beautiful. You need to have confidence in yourself.
8. You disgrace the Flynt name. I wish you weren't in my family.
9. Treat him better. He's smarted and more amazing then you will ever know. He deserves better from you.
10. You are a jackass. I can't believe what you told me and how selfish you are. We use to be friends and now I can't stand the thought of you. Thank you for leaving my life. I am so much happier now. :)

Nine Things People May Not Know About You

1. I'll try anything once. Food wise.
2. My second toe is longer than my first.
3. I really want to have children.
4. I love to paint. But I never do.
5. I've always wanted to do magic. Like allusions and such.
6. I'm bi-polar, but I don't take my meds.
7. I use to not be good to myself. Now, I try to be the best I can be.
8. I'm stubborn as hell, unless you're Jeremiah. Then I'm not so stubborn.
9. Talking on th phone, unless if to close friends, Jeremiah, or family, scares the living daylights out of me. I can't do it.

Eight Ways To Win My Heart

1. Have amazing eyes.
2. Treat me like I'm something special.
3. Tell me I'm beautiful.
4. Be my everything.
5. Make me smile and laugh.
6. Don't be afraid to show you love me out in public.
7. Love me for who I am.
8. Be Jeremiah Lance Maynard.

Seven Things That Cross Your Mind a Lot

1. Jeremiah.
2. Memories.
3. Love
4. The future.
5. School.
6. Friends.
7. Food.

Six Things You Do Before You Fall Asleep

1. Call Jeremiah.
2. Check my Facebook.
3. If Jeremiah doesn't answer, message him on Yahoo and tell him I love him.
4. Go pee. xD
5. Make the bed. (Yes, I do this right before I go to sleep)
6. Lay down and snuggle next to my teddybear.

Five Things You Notice First on Any Person

1. Clothing
2. Eyes.
3. Personality.
4. Smile
5. The way they carry themselves.

Four Things You Wish You Never Did

1. Hurt myself.
2. Break my finger
3. Allow myself to be manipulated.
4. Gave up writing poetry.

Three Artists You've Been Listening to Lately

1. Theory of a Deadman.
2. Offspring
3. Coheed and Cambria

Two Things You Want To Do Before You Die

1. Get married to Jeremiah and have a family.
2. Go to Alaska.

One Confession

1. I don't hate who I am anymore.

jeremiah, me, looking back, confessions, lists

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