
Jan 15, 2010 21:13

So, I'm sitting here in the shirt I wore today and some tacky pj bottoms with a cup of coffee in my hand and a heater right beside my leg, and all I can think about is how much I want to cuddle with Jeremiah at this moment.

Yes. Cuddle. I'm a cuddler, and Jeremiah's awesome to cuddle up against. He's warm and comfy. =3 God, I love that boy so much. He can't even begin to fathom the love I have for him. No one can. I really, really, really love him. Want to know all the reasons why? Well, you can't. I'll never quit typing.

Awww, my coffee's gone. =[ OMG! I hear something moving behind me and there's nothing there. o.o I am NOT crazy.

So, lemme go through a block-by-block account of my day.

Trig: Quiz. Yuck. I can't stand quizzes. Especially math quizzes. Jeremiah barely used a calculator and he only missed two out of 35. I, on the other hand, used a calculator and I missed 11 out of 35. *sigh* I'll do better next time. After I took the quiz, I say and drew a weird little picture with Jeremiah's and my Shark-Tree. I gave it to Sam. And I drew a picture for Kelly but she wouldn't take it. :( Meanie Blondie.

Chemistry: Quiz. Yay! I love quizzes in any class BUT math. This quiz was over the Elements and Their Symbols. I was the first one done and I made a 100. I was so proud of myself, haha. Then we got into groups and did a density experiment with pennies. Rather boring but still fun, I suppose. I enjoyed it.

Spanish: We didn't really do anything but watch Ms. Hill play with Barbies. It was quite entertaining. She's awfully strange, but I suppose I enjoy her class. I just hate being in the front row. But ironically, she overlooks me and I never have to answer any questions. So, I think I'll stay in the front row. Quiz, too. It was over the body parts and that was fun. Made another 100. :) Only thing is, there's a stupid presentation we have to do. I think I'm just going to cheat it and use Google.

CAD: The most fun class of all. Mr. Parke gave us a free day and then left, leaving Mr. Wheeler in his stead. Mr. Wheeler is a nice old man. I've known him ever since I was little. <- Random input. Anyway, I spent the first part playing 'I Wanna Be The Guy' with Jeremiah. Let's just say that I sucked eggs at that game. Then I tried my best to cuddle with Jeremiah and then we sorta kinda, slightly, very slightly, made out in class. Haha. I feel naughty. xD

Now I want to play 'I Wanna Be The Guy' and get better at it.

classes, jeremiah, drawing, great day, day

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