What a Beautiful Mess I'm In. (Song currently stuck in head)

Jan 12, 2010 17:17

Heh. Inside joke! Gotta love those. :D

Well, I haven't been home like. Maybe 15 minutes, and it's 4:53PM. As soon as I got home, I ran to the store and stayed in there for like 15 minutes talking to William and some other guys. They're probably in their 40's or 30's. I know who is well into his 60's. And no, they are not perverts. They're sweet guys and was asking about my education and everything. I'm like their daughter basically. Odd...

Apparently Jeremiah said I was the most wonderful girl a guy could ever have...Kelly just told me. I'm smiling ear to ear. Lol. You pointed at her with your tea bottle to make sure that Kelly told me that? Heh. So authorative. :P And sweet. :) I'm still smiling.
EDIT: But now, D.J told me that he just said I was a really cool girl and then that he was just kidding about the whole thing. That's just depressing and I'm not confused and no longer smiling. I don't smile when I'm confused. =/

Now: A block by block timeframe of school! Yay! >.>

First Block - Trig
Everything started out perfectly fine. Jeremiah was tired as hell and it made me laugh, lol. He's so cute when he's sleepy :D. Anyway, I was working on my work and I was understanding it! Finally! It was something with exponents. And then I get to the last round of questions and Jeremiah gets done and turns around andI freeze. My mind goes blank. I'm scared I'll mess up in front of him and all that stuff. I don't know why it bothered me, but it just did. It wasn't him. I was just afraid of myself messing up in front of him and appearing stupid. Though, I know good and well I shouldn't feel like that because he knows that I'm not stupid. I may act like it, but I'm not. Commonsense? Eh, not much. But not stupid. ANYWAY. He helps me and I make it out okay. Break was fun too. I love it when Jeremiah holds me close to him. It makes me happy. ^-^

Second Block - Chemistry
Not much happened. We played a game with the elements. I was the 4th one standing and then for Calcium, I said Cl instead of Ca which ticked me off because I knew it. Then Rhonden and I did some sort of sqyare things with conversions. It was fun.I enjoyed it. Pretty easy stuff. We got our books and report cards and...I dunno what else.

Third Block - Spanish 2
Boring as hell. I just sat in there doing my work, finishing first, and then having no one around me to talk to. So I just went up to Ms. Shrader and helped her pick out hairstyles. Wasn't all that bad. Oh yeah! I wrote Jeremiah a note on a notecard! ...Did I ever give that to him? I can't remember.

Fourth Block - CAD.
Fun. :). Mr. Parke gave us a free day so Jeremiah and I played Mario and such. I suck at Mario, but I still said I won. Heh. I didn't beat a single level. >.> Jeremiah's a cheater. He distracted me. Bad boy. I loved it. But then I started to get a headache and I started to play with Jeremiah's knees. Creepy...But fun. Haha.

He said he would probably answer the phone tonight. I hope so. I wanna talk to him so bad I can't stand it. If only he was on Yahoo. =/

I'm going to work on my ST video now. I've got too many ideas going on and I need my creative outlit thingy-ma-dojer.

Kelly, you're boyfriend told me to shut up today.

classes, jeremiah, taggys. fun, great day, love

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