(no subject)

Jan 13, 2010 18:08

So, I come home today and I go to check my facebook. I saw I had a message, which I found odd. No one messages me. It's from Olivia's momma. Here's the convo behind the first cut. It's a bit long, so yeah. Then, after that her mom sent me a message, Olivia messaged me this:

Ms Tanya - If this stuff starts with Sarah Jen and Olivia the way it did last year, I will be coming to school about it. I am letting you know that I will not involve you if you try to keep Sarah away from Olivia. Lupus is made worse by stress. My daughter's health and life depends on keeping poisonous people like Sarah away from her. But I will not sit by and let this ride out like I did last year.

Me - ..I don't understand what you're talking about. Why do you feel the need to message me about this?.. I'm completely lost..

Ms Tanya - It was some comments made in a thread on your page. Sarah had started her attack on Olivia again. I know that you are an excellent young woman. I just wanted to let you know that any interaction between them needs to stop. I'm sorry. I thought that you knew about what happened last year with Sarah's attacks on Olivia. I will not involve you. You are a great young lady. I just thought you knew about it. Sorry.

Me -  Ms. Tanya, I don't really know what I'm suppose to do about it. Both Sarah and Olivia are my friends. I can tell Sarah to stop, but I can't make her stop. They need to sort it out themselves in a civilized manner.  If anything starts to happen, I will do my best to stop it, but I won't be able to solve the problem.

Ms. Tanya - I know honey. I'm sorry. It's not your responsibility. I just don't want this to get out of hand like it did last year. Yes, I jumped the gun. But the little snide remarks start and then it escalates to getting to Olivia's friends having to choose sides. Last year...no one took Olivia's side. Even DJ didn't take her side...which I have a lot of issue with. And its not Olivia that pressed the issue last year. Sarah took it upon herself to target Olivia. If no one helps my daughter...when friends don't take a side....when no one steps up to intervene...then what is a parent supposed to do. There is no civilized way with Sarah. There hasn't been for several years.
You take care of you. At the end of the day, I take my daughter's side. And Olivia makes note of who takes her side. It is sad that it comes to sides. If Sarah backs off, and doesn't make any more comments...then its over. But she admitted that she wasn't kidding about Olivia...so that is an attack. If it escalates then I'll handle it.
I am sorry that you have been placed in this situation. I know it is a hard spot. I will pray for you. You are a great girl.

Me -  You're her mother. I can understand why you would be defensive and what not. She is your daughter, afterall.
I don't know anything about what happened between the two of them. I will do my best to help Olivia. She's a dear friend to me. She's been nothing but good to me. Sarah's just as closer, if not closer, but I'm not taking her side either. I'm not taking anyone's side in this. Especially if I don't know the whole story in anything.
I just finished reading the status and I agree, that is an attack. It's a clear attack and I will erase that from my page. But in all honestly, I didn't know it was going on. I knew about the first remark and I thought Sarah was just joking. Now I know she's not so that's ignorance and stupitity on my part.
I'm sorry that all of this is taking place.

Oliva -  I didn't want any of this to start up again... And I don't know what the fuck I said that made her insult me. I was making a joke to YOU. It did not regard her in ANY way so I don't see how I deserved that. I'm not getting into any of this shit. I'm absolutely refusing to. I know me and her have history and I know the hard feelings we share, however this is just stupid. I've put up with it a few times before but this has just gone too far. Maybe you can talk to her, I don't know. If this happens again or is exacerbated in any way, I'll have to delete you. Not because I'm mad at you because I'm not Caitlin. However I don't want to be insulted everytime I comment your status. I hope you understand and aren't offended. I'm still your friend and if you'd like to add me on Yahoo messenger where we can talk you can. I'm punkchick8462@yahoo.com
I'm sorry for all of this.

Me -  Woah! Calm down for a second. Your mom just messaged me too and in all I'm confused. I'm guessing it's the Sweeney Todd status. I like you, Olivia. You're an awesome friend. Sarah's one of my very best friends and I don't want to be caught in the crosshairs of this. The only time I talk to Sarah is a few minutes on facebook about once a week, maybe more depending on the circumstances. I can try to keep her comments away from you but I really have no control over it.
I'm not really offended...Not really. I just don't like being jumped on to stop all of this shit between the two of you. Like I said, I have no control over what she says. I love the two of you and I don't want to have to choose between you or her. That's what I feel like I'm going to have to do and I don't want to.
If you feel the need to delete me, then go ahead. I'll add you on yahoo and everything. I don't want you to delete me, but if you feel you must then go ahead.

Oliva -  Well I feel like I'm the only person that just realized that I was arbitrarily insulted for no reason and isn't ok with it.
I'm not asking you to control Sarah but I'm just letting you know how I feel. Once again, I'm being very clearly attacked by her and no one cares.
I'm not going to delete you now. don't worry.

Me -  I care, believe me. I'll talk to her about it. I'll do my best to keep her comments at bay, but like I told your momma a few minutes ago, I can't solve this situation. You two need to either talk about it, tell each other how much you hate the other, and then move on. Either that, or just ignore each other.

Olivia - That's what I've been doing!! I've pretended that she doesn't exist!! However I've been insulted by her at random!! What does that say about her?! Ugh. Forget it. I'm not asking you to take sides.

Me -  Olivia, when Sarah starts to talk about you, I ALWAYS tell her to be quiet and that I don't want her talking about you. Apparently, this whole thing is about how you treated Devin. I don't know anything about that. I'm completely oblivious. I don't know if you treated Devin badly or anything. I don't want to know. But I, like you, want all of this to end.
If you treated Devin badly, then tha's why Sarah's mad. If you didn't, then it's obviously something else much more deep then that. I don't believe you treated Devin wrong in anyway, but I don't remember much from last year.
Just remember you always have a friend in me. Ok?

Oliva -  She's a fine one to talk about someone treating Devin badly... I don't even want to hear that shit. No matter what went on between me and Devin I always cared about him. And it's my fault for not letting him know that. I blame myself every day for not getting over my pride and telling him that he was always my friend... Jesus... I'm not going there... I'm done. I'm absolutely done. I want to just move somewhere where I can change my name and leave everything behind me. I hate this so much... I hate it. I thought this was all behind me...Alright.

Ugh. I'm already sick of it. But anyways, my hands are frozen stiff. In the middle of c/ping my Uncle came to the house and said Lily was almost ran over .She ahd ran through her shock collar and couldn't get back across it. I had to help get her. My hands are so freaken numb right  now.

freezing, blah, friends, arguement, sarah, olivia

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