Oh My God.

Jan 11, 2010 21:18

I'm tired. I'm yawning as I type. In all honesty, I don't know why I'm typing so many pointless things tonight. I guess I'm giving myself something to do why trying to wait to hear from Jeremiah. It's not working very well. I'm just getting sleepier. He'll probably tell me later or tomorrow that I should have went to bed when I got tired, but, like him, I'm stubborn. He is seriously stubborn. Very. You know he is. And I love it. Lol. It makes me smile. x)

Lily is beside me right now. She's curled up next to my feet on a lepord blanket. I think she's going to start staying in the house with us at night. I wish Scooter could stay in with us, too..but...That wouldn't go well. I can't believe Lily is as big as she is. She's only a puppy still, not even a year old, and she's up to my hip. Yikes. Massive Dog Alert. But she's beautiful. I'm glad we have her. And her annoying, small, dirty little friend named Scooter. :)

It's 9:12pm. Faith's watching the Golden Girls. It's a pretty good show. It just freaks me out with the women and their sex drives. Odd to say, I know. It scares me. Really. They have to be way over 50. In their 60's, I'm guessing. It's horrible. It really grosses me out, but in all it's a decent show. It has it's moments where I die laughing.

I have to pee...

Yeah, I'm definately going to bed soon. I give Jeremiah until 9:30ish and then I'm off to bed. I can't believe how tired I am. Tomorrow, I'm waking up at 5 and everything. Really, there's no need too. Momma is taking us to school. We have to take the sugar gliders back to school and stuff. The female has a baby in her pouch. :)

Jeremiah, if you read this tonight, you better be in bed before 12. You got that, Mister?

Lol. I'm going to get off the computer now. I seriously have to pee...>.>

doggies, golden girls, bathroom, jeremiah, lily, blah. taggy, tired, scooter

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