Jan 01, 2007 00:28

Our celebration tonight was quiet since both the boys have pink eye. We had to cancel our plans. So it was reading then talking a little, then watching the ball drop. Now off to bed. Sometimes being a parent can be boring, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Of course, the husband has pink eye much worse than the boy. Both his eyes are infected. Please pray Kaitlyn and I don't get it!

As for resolutions:

As always, I resolve to love my family even more than I do now (I resove this every year because it's something I can actually follow through on!).

I'd like to lose the rest of the baby weight I put on during pregnancy.

I'd like to spend more quality time with my children. Reading, playing games, etc. It's too easy to tell them "not now, maybe later" then later doesn't come. My children are growing up so quickly. I want to take time now to be with them and share in their joy.

There are a couple other things I'm thinking about but they haven't made it to paper yet.

Happy New year, everyone. May your hopes and dreams come true this year. Take time with family. You never know how long you really do have.
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