Parking Lot Pimping

Aug 22, 2005 23:13

Woo hoo! Just had a jolly little altercation in the appartment parking lot with 2 large men! It would seem that a certain nameless silver substitute for a penis Cadillac likes to park in our designated parking spot. It might not seem like that big a deal, but the parking in this complex is sparse (hence the designated slots), and when one comes home late at night from a hard day of legal studies, the last thing she wants to do is trek across a HUGE & DARK parking lot with a backpack that weighs more than a small child! A small FAT child! Ugh.

So anyway, this a-hole keeps parking in our spot and Kristen keeps calling the tow company to come drag his subistitute for a penis Cadillac out. But everytime the tow company takes freaking 2 hours to get here and he moves *right* before they show up. It's like beat the clock or something. Well tonight as I was coming home (circa 10PM), Kristen and I caught the a-hole in our spot, standing next to his penismobile car and told him that he can't park there or he WILL be towed.

The guy was drunk or high or something (and positively REEKED of cheap cologne - someone needed to call the Aqua Velva police) because apparently it didn't make any sense to him that he couldn't just park wherever the hell he wanted. K explained it (MUCH more patiently that *I* would have) a few times. His friend came out and he copped this attitude. "Well, you don't have to be mean about it!" he whined. So, then Kristen - get this! - with one hand propped on her hip and the other pointing up at the 2 men, says, "Excuse me, I am a school teacher and it is way past my bedtime!" ROTFL! You tell 'em, sister! Now bear in mind that these two guys were VERY large - at least 6'5" or so and very muscular. It was the funniest thing ever to see a little chick lecturing 2 huge guys like that - AND she was clad in a tank top and Donald Duck boxers! "And don't make me come back down here!!"

Oh the hillarity... if it weren't for the fact that we could have easily had our small, girly asses kicked, i would have been rolling in the street with laughter (see: Nicole's tendancy to laugh at innappropirate moments). But I'm proud of Kristen. She handled herself well, and that's what you have to do when you find yourself in the middle of a good old fasioned cock-fight. ;)

Yes, this definitely beats my encounters with "Forrest," the dude I keep running into here who's collection of pickup lines includes such gems as "How old are you?" and "Do you live alone?" How is he not taken?! [/sarcasm]

*sigh* I need to finish my legal ethics work and get bedded down.

laying the smackdown, wtf

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