I've said it before and I'll say it again:
power12252 is a bad influence on me (and by ‘bad’, I mean ‘what would I ever do without our deep philisophical conversations about life?’). Got very little homework done last night - at leat not until my cable internet went out and I was rudely thrown offline - and why you ask? *ahem*
Last night, Max and I were discussing the feature length movie based on his mythical exploits titled "Conneticut Ninja 4: The Revenge.” I apparently get to go to a special screening because I molded our hero into the man he is today:
MaxPower: You made me the speedo-wearing man that I am today. It's the least I could do. Before that I was just your average joe attorney. Now... the possibilities are endless.
MissNickers: Excellent! The puzzle pieces are all in place! ... Now for the final phase....
MaxPower: Which is?
MissNickers: You'll see............. after the surgery.
MaxPower: ??????????!!!!!! What exactly am I having surgery for?
MissNickers: You leave that to me, kitten.
MaxPower: Oh, okay. *fears for my life*
MissNickers: Don't worry, you'll be fine. I'm very skilled.
MaxPower: Just make sure everything is where it was before!
MissNickers: Then what's the point of surgery?!?! Work with me here, Max! Did you ever see the ‘6 Million Dollar Man?’
MaxPower: Cool! I'm going to be bigger.......faster.....stronger......! *bionic sound effect*
MissNickers: No. What makes you think that? I was just asking because it's a good show. I happen to like Lee Majors.
MaxPower: Okay, I take back what I said about your jokes being funny. :-P
MissNickers: LOL C'mon!! This is good stuff, I may just post this in the ol’ LJ! We need new material!
MaxPower: Yeah, we gotta stay fresh if we are to keep our audience.
MissNickers: Totally. It's all in the name of showmanship.
Later in the conversation, after Max finally let me perform the surgery (without anesthesia to cut back on costs), we developed our own sitcom: Look for it next season on the FOX Network.
MaxPower *makes some saucy comment that can be taken 2 different ways*
MissNickers: You pervert. Pervy McPerv.
MaxPower: ROTFL! I wonder if someone somewhere really has that name?
MissNickers: LOL Probably somewhere in Ireland.
MaxPower: he's probably the toughest SOB alive... has to be to survive.
MissNickers: He's a sheep herder, actually. A lucrative profession. Also a politician.
MaxPower: Vote far me or I'll kill ye! I'LL KILL YE!!
MissNickers: Yikes, Pervy has a rage problem! He also carries a pitchfork with him everywhere.... Anyone who gives him lip gets a serious ass-forkin'!
MaxPower: Pervy: Fork you!
MaxPower: Pervy: That's it! Pervy's gonna fork ye brains out!
MissNickers: ROTFL! I think we need to pitch this idea to FOX.
MaxPower: absolutely! It can be the newest addition to Sunday animation night
MissNickers: Oh Pervy, what will you say next?
MaxPower: don't ask!
MissNickers: But I wanna know!
MaxPower: Pervy: Pervy's gonna fork ye till ya can't be forked no more! I'll fork ye day and night. Then, when ye've had enough forkin', Pervy's gonna fork ye again!!!
MissNickers: *laughing too hard for any kind of response*
Pervy McPerv and The Pitchfork are copyright (c) 2005 Missnickers and Max Power. All rights reserved. Any similiarities between Pervy McPerv and actual persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental.
On a somewhat serious note, I have had it with these escalating gas prices. It’s going to drive me to the poor house (HA, get it? gas prices... drive...? Oh, come on, that pun is gold). I put nearly $40 worth of gas in my tank less than a week ago and I already need to refill it. It’s insane. And it’s not like I drive an SUV or some other kind of pump sucker - I have a little car! Granted it has a high performance engine and I may have a serious lead foot, but that begs the question. But there’s not much we can do except pay what they ask. We’re all slaves to gasoline, we need a way to get from A to B. Unless someone decides to invent some sort of “electric car.” But we all know that’s just a pipe dream.
Wireless connection on campus is being sketchy today (again). This does not make me happy, especially considering I’m in sequestered in a classroom all day on Thursdays. Listening to my professor drone on about limited partnership liability is slowly driving me mad. If the top story on tonight’s news is SACRAMENTO LAW STUDENT GOES ON BLOODY RAMPAGE FOR LACK OF STABLE INTERNET CONNECTION, don’t be so surprised. :-O