You know...

Feb 27, 2011 02:26

There's this nifty place where you can go, when your body isn't working quite right. It has lots of people who spent ridiculous amounts of money--are perhaps still paying it off--and took YEARS to learn about stuff like how the spleen works and why toes should be hairy.

It's called a hospital. Can YOU say 'hospital'? Good!

Now, if only SHE would hie herself there. I mean, approximately 2 weeks of more or less daily vomiting is either A) some kind of intestinal/stomach problem (i.e. blockage or irritation), B) an eating disorder, or C) a physical symptom of one of her Issues manifesting itself in a very immediate (and frankly icky) way.

I'm voting for A or C, personally, since she throws up without having eaten anything. I'm tired of listening to her, I'm tired of worrying about whether it's contagious, and I'm really tired of wondering if I'm going to fall into the toilet in the middle of the night.

Seriously. It's bad enough when the cats are barfy.

do you ever shut up?, i don't /like/ you, eeeeeeew, icky, i know but it makes me feel better, employees must wash hands, quit that!, complaining, what's going on here?, i am also not impressed, irritation, i am not your mother, bitch bitch bitch, what the hell is wrong with you?, rant rant rant, dude c'mon you're an /adult/, ew, not excited, disgusting people, get well soon, sartre was right, would it kill you to do something new?, i don't wanna touch it either okay?

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