Metal, como el de las cucharas.

Nov 24, 2007 21:54

quitepointless  :

Comment on this post and I'll give you a band. Don't worry, I'll make it one you know and love. You put your ten favourite songs by that band on your LJ and challenge others to do the same.

El post está en inglés porque la muchacha de la que he copiado el meme no lee español.

Me da tantísima pereza volver a copiarlo todo. Las canciones y comentarios y tal... asi que nada. En inglés queda. Dudo que haya mucha gente interesada de todas formas.

Well, the band she gave me (hopefully as a joke) is...
Everyone ready?
You sure?



So yeah, 10 songs by these people that have changed my life. To be honest, I think that once you put on the shiny underwear and hold an axe in your hand, you don't need to open your mouth anymore, you are a star. But these gentlemen (that must now be middle-aged, and maybe ashamed of the picture above) made a serious effort. Here we go:

1. Hail and Kill. Great song. Plus, it contains that famous lyrics "May your sword stay wet like a young girl in her pride". I want that on a T-shit, I say!

2. The Gods made Heavy Metal. Because you just know they did, right after they made blowdryers and leather.
"The gods made heavy metal and they saw that it was good, They said to play it louder than hell and we promised that we would" Ok, can someone explain to me how loud is hell? Its famous for the burning stuff, but loud? The neighbors must be pissed.
We continue:
"When losers say its over with, you know that its a lie, the gods made heavy metal and its never gonna die".
This  brave statement (and the first row of people on any Manowar concert you can see on YouTube) is the true proof that metal is outdated.

3. Swords in the Wind. I think I genuinely liked this song (at some point in my early youth, when I was 14 or so). It just fits in well with the whole "fantasy" thing I had going on after reading The Lord of the Rings. And it's a good song! Come on! Just compare it to the rest!
It makes me want to go to battle with my beard and my axe! And it makes you think of all those slightly evil people that want immortality, like Voldemort, and Boromir and stuff. If you are wondering, yes, I also listened to Nightwish and Blind Guardian. I am not ashamed!

4. The Return of the Warlord. "If you like metal you are my friend" Ok. Plus the motorbikes, and the whores, and the sexy look at the camera in the video.

5. Warriors of the World United. Yes. Brilliance and stupid lyrics. "Brothers everywhere, raise your hands into the air, we're warriors, warriors of the World". That is what I call international politics.

6. Kings of Metal. Sorry, is every second word they say "metal"? Yes, and every fifth is "steel", now do the math, how many different themes do you think are treated in their songs?

7. Master of the Wind. True Manowar style, but a surprisingly melancholic song. What is going on?, you may wonder, are they EMO now? No.

Memorise this, it's the most important part of the post:


(yes, I only inluded this song so I could have a good excuse for another picture).

8. Call to Arms.

9. Brothers of Metal. Read "Kings of Metal"

10. Heart of Steel. Re-read "Kings of Metal".

Notice that I did not include that absolutely not sexist or demeanig marvel called "Pleasure Slave". I decided to go safe and stick with the classics.

Now, do you think part of their success derives from the fact that their album covers were one of the only sources of boobs for lonely unpopular teenage boys? I think so too. Then, half of the boys found out that the big, strong guy was way more appealing to them, and others got a life. And that was the end of Metal.

wtf, aburrimiento, manowar, meme

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