guest blogging, nanowrimo, link of the now, less than three press, dreamspinner press, friends, novella: ice, novel: the wind-up forest, contests, novel: city of jade

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  • Sundries.

    misslj_author Aug 30, 2012 19:47

    It feels like forever since I've posted anything. That's due to the fact I've been very sick. I'm starting to recover, slowly, but I still find myself getting worn out very easily and still feel a bit "flat," for want of a better word. Ten days after my night in the emergency room in hospital, I *still* have a large blood bruise on my left arm from ( Read more... )

    nanowrimo, novel: no shadows fall, writing, blog hop, cover art, books, novel: city of jade, novel: no surrender no retreat

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  • Nanovember

    misslj_author Nov 26, 2011 20:59

    I have finished my Nano novel. It feels very strange right now, to have a Saturday night with nothing to write - although that's not exactly true, I do have things to write, I'm just taking a wee break - so I've been faffing with Paint Shop Pro instead ( Read more... )

    nanowrimo, writing

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  • Sundries for November.

    misslj_author Nov 11, 2011 13:14

    I've been pretty quiet on the blogging front here the last several weeks, and I apologise for that. Things have been all varieties of hectic, so I haven't had the energy or the time to participate in things I enjoy that I normally would, like Six Sentence Sunday or Thursday Thirteen ( Read more... )

    guest blogging, thursday thirteen, nanowrimo, novel: no quarter, writing, six sentence sunday

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  • Snoopy Dance of Joy! "No Quarter" is Under Contract.

    misslj_author Oct 07, 2011 17:54

    Today is a good day.

    Even though I had a blood test done this morning (a regular thing - it never gets less unpleasant), nothing was going to ruin my good mood. And why such a good mood? I woke up to a lovely email from Dreamspinner Press, offering me a contract for the first novel in The Archangel Chronicles.

    So No Quarter, the novel that went ( Read more... )

    nanowrimo, dreamspinner press, short story: fire burn, writing, titles are my nemesis, freakyfountain press, novel: no quarter, short story: city of gold

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  • Musing on Words.

    misslj_author Dec 06, 2010 14:59

    I am a writing machine!

    Okay, not really. However, I completed NanoWriMo this year, coming in at 50629 words. I managed to finish a story for submission to a Valentine's Day themed anthology due by the 8th January 2011, which is called Life And Nothing But.

    Currently, I'm working on a story for submission to the Dreamspinner First Time anthology ( Read more... )

    nanowrimo, dreamspinner press, writing

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  • Nano and The Writing Process.

    misslj_author Nov 07, 2010 00:06

    Once again, I am doing Nano. I find the Nano experience to be particularly helpful as I am, I'm ashamed to admit, a procrastinator. The spirit and camaraderie of Nano and the word count updates on a daily basis do help me stay focused and work. This year, I have come up with a daily routine that I think might actually be the one. That is to say, ( Read more... )

    nanowrimo, music, editing, writing, telly

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  • Writing Good Guys versus Bad Guys.

    misslj_author Nov 28, 2009 14:26

    In putting fingers to keyboard this Nano, I've discovered something I've long suspected to be true: writing good guys is harder than writing bad guys ( Read more... )

    nanowrimo, writing

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