Musing on Words.

Dec 06, 2010 14:59

I am a writing machine!

Okay, not really. However, I completed NanoWriMo this year, coming in at 50629 words. I managed to finish a story for submission to a Valentine's Day themed anthology due by the 8th January 2011, which is called Life And Nothing But.

Currently, I'm working on a story for submission to the Dreamspinner First Time anthology, called City of Gold. I'm finding this is difficult to write when it logically should not be. It's set in the early twelfth century in Constantinople, during one of the short periods of peace of the Byzantine Empire. I know the history and the material, what I didn't know or wasn't entirely sure about, I've researched. (I've also found myself embroiled in a debate about semantics between medieval Latin, medieval Greek and medieval Russian, which, while fascinating, wasn't really what I was searching for at the time!) I've dug into information about the Silk Road and trading with the Byzantine Empire in 1130, when my story is set, I like my two protagonists, I know what the conflict is going to be (laws of the time were very strict regarding homosexuality in Byzantium, but that wasn't the case in other parts of the world), and I'm excited to have this wonderful history backdrop in which to set my story.

Yet it's proving extremely difficult. I don't know why, but I don't like it. I just want to be able to write it, but my inner history pedant keeps getting distracted. Which isn't a problem per se, because I do love a good afternoon of link hopping. I don't know. I have writer's nerves, I think. I need to step away for the afternoon and not think about it, I think.

At least the Valentine's story is with my lovely proof-reader/editor of awesome, so that's one good thing. Tomorrow - or tonight - I'll get back into my historical m/m.

nanowrimo, dreamspinner press, writing

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