I've submitted two stories this month, one to Dreamspinner Press and the other to Noble Romance. Now, while I try not to think about them (this never goes well, I am a talented worrywart!), I turn my attention towards the Freaky Fountain Press Heavenly Bodies anthology.
I had an idea for what to do for my story for this late last night, around 3a.m., which led to getting out of my comfortable, warm bed and surfing the net looking for the specifics to see if my idea would actually be feasible. It is, which fills me with glee, and I found lots of awesome stuff in my quest for Biblical archaelogy sites and got sidetracked quite a bit. (Gate of Ishtar, I'm looking at you.) Anyway, I'm doing a quick refresher on the destruction of Sodom and Gormorrah story then, after a good night's sleep tonight, writing will begin tomorrow. Huzzah!
Unrelated to writing, I can't recommend the following movie enough. I bought it on dvd, sight unseen, based entirely on a recomendation from
jerusalemorbust and the fact that it is a/historical and b/stars an actor/singer I particularly like (Yoo Seung Jun aka Steve Yoo.) The film is Jackie Chan's latest, his 99th film, and is called
Little Big Soldier. If you like Jackie Chan films, history films and foreign films, this is for you. It's brilliant and the best $10AU I've spent in a while.
It's nearly Christmas now, three more sleeps! So to everyone, a very merry Christmas and holiday season.