
May 20, 2022 14:14

Another Friday has arrived. This weekend's weather should be really nice. Low 70s. I'll definitely have all the windows open for the days. I'm so ready for fresh air all the time. My list of house things is very long and I'll do my very best to get them all done. I have done so very little at home lately. Very behind on many things. When I get off work, I have a lot of energy, sitting on the bus for an hour just kills it. It's too much chill time.

Last night with Ibado, Ash, and Jaden was so fun. Now that I won't be out in the middle of nowhere, we'll get to do it again in a much easier area. But getting to spill work tea was a good time. My initial feelings about a few of my coworkers were entirely right. They sucked at the job. The one I sat with at Ruby got written up for a bunch of things. Not. even. surprising.

I'm super happy Ibado got the job she applied for for doing website stuff for Amazon through the other company.

Feels good to have my coworkers tell me they miss me in Chime, or that they want me to come visit them when they're at a building that I'll be near.

Excited to see Amanda tonight. Not entirely sure what we're doing other than I'm giving her her birthday gift like a month late, but that's on her.

Got a few plant babies today to take home with me since Lowe's is next door to TRB.

My check for this week came with my 1 shift of ET and it was a good amount more. Went from $648 to $702? I think that's the amount. Ultra easy. This next one will be great. Plus I'll get my extra catering shift money and I'll still be needing to deposit my cash from the tips. Debt pay offs are coming a long nicely. By the time all is said and done, I'll practically have a perfect credit score. It's already in the higher end 700s.

Ibado gave me some insight for something via Northwest Center which can help reduce my rent. She was telling me she lives in a building with her unit being around 1700 and she pays 1300. That will be a huge boon for when I'm ready to move. It's still a process for when I go to apply to places but totally worthwhile. Might be able to get something larger than a studio or a larger studio. We'll see. More things to investigate.

Kevin goes to Arizona with his family for a week so I doubt I'll hear much from him. Or maybe I will? I don't know. I'll leave him to it this week. If he wants to message or call that'll be on him.

PM roaming at Delight next week? Monday and Tuesday. Not even sure what that means, it's 2 floors. Wed-Fri I'm doing PM at Mayday. All these slow buildings. So sad.

Ordered Factor meals for the week for a first try out thing... they're okay but I honestly couldn't justify $11 a meal I do like the idea of premade meals though but not those ones. Having to try to tailor them to my blood type stuff is hard. Low carb things always come with cauliflower rice which is atrocious and not good for my blood type as it is. I'll get back to meal prep again. I'll have to just commit to doing that on Sundays.

Dueler's Guild tomorrow for fun night. I'm allowing healers this time. I think our DPS really need to get their act together and step it up. I'll put a timer on it but I'm not sure how long to make it. We're so melee heavy, no idea what the issue is and why people can't all be on the same target.

Here's to a positive weekend?


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