So much

May 18, 2022 14:41

Feels like it's been a while since I've posted but nothing really has gone on. Went to Tree of Life with my mom which I guess was a nice day? Ended up driving over 300 miles. We talked a lot but she'd ask me things then just as I started talking she'd interrupt me to talk about whatever else pertinent to her and most of the time entirely unrelated to what she had asked me about. It's exhausting. Conversation doesn't flow at all and while I don't ever have to come up with topics, I try to revisit things she had spoken about only to be interrupted again. Nothing overly personal ever, nothing overly deep. Just surface level things. That's all she gets. That's all it seems she wants anyway.

The tree itself was cool I guess? Not sure I'd make a special trip for it again. I made Coronation chicken salad for lunch and some nibble things and we didn't end up finding any covered areas to sit so we had lunch in the car in Hoquiam. Was a weird day. I would make that salad again. Was really good.

I'm definitely ready for something. I don't know what. Energy? Motivation? I have both but once I'm at home both go away. I park my car and they're entirely annihilated. Maybe it's the apartment?

I thought things with Kevin were on the upswing but maybe he's just overwhelmed. I've called the last few times and the conversations have been short. He doesn't seem to be in a hurry to get off the phone with me but it feels a bit abrupt.

Definitely wanting to work in a building where I can walk rather than commute right to it. I'm at TRB for the next few days and it's a semi-short walk from the Mt. Baker station to my building. Ruby had a better walk and there were stairs but that was only two days. This building is really curious. No turn-styles, the doors are all badged. Even the kitchenettes. It's odd. Haven't seen many people at all and the one person I did see I couldn't really help because it was above what I could do. Sitting alone in a building like this is not awesome. Not sure why they even have two people sit here other than breaks and things? It's so far from everywhere else. Adonis from Ivy came to give me my lunch and it took her 20 min.

Fortunately, I'm only covering for someone who isn't here so I doubt I'll be sent here again. We'll see what next week brings. Not signing up for ET for next week, I'll take it easy and maybe I'll get lucky with early shifts?

Tomorrow I'll likely stop at QFC and grab things for lunch for the next two days and leave it in the kitchenette. Tofu with LGM sounds amazing for lunch. And energy drinks. No cafe here. Not even sure if there's really any people here, either.

Lowe's is next door, maybe I'll pick up a plant on my way home.

Tomorrow night, going out with Ash and Ibado for tacos and then Amanda will come over Friday night and I'll give her her birthday gift. Saturday will be entirely free and Sunday, too. I'm ready to sleep in.

Only plan I have is going to the chiropractor on Saturday. Then I'll try to get stuff done around the house before Fun Night.

I'm thinking of going strictly low carb/no carb and seeing how that goes. I definitely need to do something. Maybe for summer I go back vegan? I kind of miss it but maybe not. I really have been enjoying eating meats.
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