
Jun 07, 2010 22:35

Insomnia: It lead that one guy to develop a split personality that looked like Brad Pitt, start a cult, and take down the American credit system.

It's turning me into a stone cold loser. Today I got up late after five hours of sleep, took a less thorough shower than I wanted to, didn't bring a lunch, took a nap during my lunch break and was late back to work, and ate really poorly (cookies and fast food and hot cocoa, GOD WHY?) Then I came home and ate cereal for dinner and slept from 6pm - 9pm.

Fail, Candice. Total fail.

I'm going to try to go to bed again around 11pm and just I don't know, cross all my fingers and toes that I can get a reasonable amount of sleep and wake up Tuesday morning like a reset button got pushed and stop being a whiny baby about going to bed on time.

Yes, it's more fun to read and write fic and watch videos and learn french and talk instead of getting a healthy eight hours, but feeling like a zombie while you're doing all these things isn't fun either.

I need a real life Verochka as my coach. I need a real Russian woman with dyed red hair, a giant fur, and a mean expression to shout at me to "Get to bed so I don't have to hear any of your bullshit in the morning while we practice your step sequence." Only instead of a step sequence it would "push paper around an office building" and "go to the gym."

Either way, I need someone to frighten me into submission because clearly my own subconscious is not up to the job.

Seven things making life worth living despite being a sleep zombie:

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Everything about this makes my heart sing with joy, the grey and purple suit, the joyful expression, the jazzy choreography, the one handed cartwheel, the Korean fans reacting with pure delight. I really, desperately, horrifically, and totally need to see Stephane skate live.

2. smithereen: She writes Joe Jonas/Adam Lambert and it's even BETTER than you think it will be. If you haven't read it, shame on you! LA Made Me. She also posted Joe/Nick dub con hugging which stirred the cold dead Jonas fangirl heart of me a bit more than anything else lately.

3. Johnny Weir's twitter. It's a little breath of fabulousness every day. Behold:
Sex and the City premiere is so star studded. Anna Wintour, pure diva! Love her.

I am "Kabooming" the hell out of my shower! It's the best cleaner. It sprays on purple! Drooling over Chanel at

Running to the doctor, then writing until my brother gets here. I'm going to get him so #Magnolia cupcakes. :) Note: His little brother Boz, played soccer and football, works at Jiffy Lube, rocks a backwards baseball cap, and shoots vodka without a chaser. His parents have sunk an unimaginable amount of time and money into Johnny. Is he jealous? Doesn't seem to be. Johnny put him through college, and Boz has ABSOLUTELY no qualms about wandering around New York City with his brother looking like this.

Sleeping on a little meringue puff. Showing up to an event between Christina Aguilera and Scarlett Johannson will do that to a young boy...

"Just finished lunch at Ivy with @shopbando madamoiselles. Heading to home base now! Glitter me timbers." (Also, I love that his French is kind of awful.)

4. On Saturday we had a different instructor for figure skating class and she was a lot more hardcore. She totally schooled me on looking down at my feet, but then she praised my spin, saying that my feet were great but I needed to be confident and strong in my core. The closer I get to the POSSIBILITY of jumping the more I'm like, "Oh god!" but this Thursday I might try to do a one footed spin.

5. The Boy and I went to see Fantastic Mr. Fox outdoors in a sweet little park Saturday night. We picnicked on apple, cheese, and summer sausage sandwiches, and played with the little glo sticks they handed out for free. The movie was excellent, and the weather was perfect, and it was all just very romantic and gooey and we've talked about how we're not dating anyone and I poked at him for not introducing me to his friends and now he's going to. So. Y'know. Whatever. ::mooney sigh::

6. I also saw Prince of Persia with my lovely ladies liminalliz, mangojellytoast, pwincess, and jennerose on Friday night. I really enjoyed it, both the movie and seeing my Jonas girls. I'm not coherent enough for a full review, but the weirdest thing about the movie is after I saw it I was like, "Oh that was good!" but didn't really want to see it again. Somehow though, by Sunday evening I was like, "Huh. I could TOTALLY see that movie again." I think they put subliminal messages in it. So let that be a warning to you all. Prince of Persia has crack in it.

(Also OMG TRON!)

white skates of gender conformity, magical flying zebra, i do stuff, hey look a johnny weir tag

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