So for those of you not on my twitter

Mar 05, 2010 08:43

Midday on Wednesday I spilled tea on my iPod Touch (read: my beloved yuppie status symbol). It was only wet for like .0002 seconds but the internal speakers got affected. The sound would only play intermittently, and the headphones were just as bad because they would suddenly stop working in the middle of the song.

I... pretty much freaked out. I love this thing. I use it everyday. I use it to listen to music, to get through my runs, I lie in bed doing crosswords on it, and checking my email. And what's more, it's like the biggest luxury item I own. My computer is a hand me down, my TV is from college, I don't own a stereo system (just an iPod dock). My car is eight years old and myself and the previous owner are somewhat distracted drivers. But iPod? My iPod is shiny and beautiful.

It's also less than a year old, so repairs would have been covered... EXCEPT FOR THE FACT IT CAME INTO CONTACT WITH LIQUID. After a little research, though, I found out that the indicator is in the headphone jack, and that, miracle of miracles, it was still pristine and white. Still, I was worried that if I had to take it in for repairs they would somehow FIGURE out of that it had been spilled on, and refuse to fix it for free, or ever worse, that the iPod would just stop working and I would be responsible for replacing it.

I was quite unhappy (read: totally distraught). I got the techs to call me, and they had me reboot it, but it didn't fix it. They told me to restore it to factory settings, and I did it just to avoid telling them "I don't think it's a software problem. It's probably a hardware issue because, you know, it GOT SPILLED ON." I reset my baby, lost all my videos, music, and apps.

And. And. IT WAS FIXED. I was so happy. No more worries about the warranty, and I still had all the songs on my computer, right? So what's the big deal, eh?

Except I just realized I cannot find the file of Joe singing Free Falling and I'm really quite beside myself about it. I listen to that song quite a bit. Most often at work to soothe myself.

Can someone please upload it for me? ;__;

In other news, I might be seeing Demi and the JB at a rodeo or something. IDK. If I can be bothered. (Holy CRAP, I'm excited!)
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