Oh things I did today

Mar 06, 2010 18:36

Last night jennerose and I tried to go out to happy hour and then managed to find probably the only place in The Domain that DIDN'T have a happy hour. Ah well. We had a nice dinner besides, went to Half Price Books, and then got a beer but I was so wiped and so spaced that I think I was home by 9:30. I know I was in bed by 11:30. Overall, it was kind of a fail in the "I'm a wild and crazy twenty year old front" but a win in the "I got 9 hours of sleep" front.

I popped up this morning and went to the gym, but while strength training was a nice success (I increased the weight I could lift with all of the machines) the run was JUST AWFUL. I forgot my iPod and instead tried to run to, of all things, HGTV. SPOILERS: It didn't work at all. Nothing helped me get over the hump and pussed out at 20 minutes, only having ran about 10 of them. I was upset but then I got over it.

Part of the reason I got over it was my tax return was deposited to my account today. I immediately set aside what I need to buy the ticket to Montreal to see blackwayfarers and then said to myself, "Hmm, spring is coming. What do I need?"

The answer, flist, was spring cotton dresses.

Never mind the background, it's Kate's childhood bedroom, and we were all fourteen once. Instead check the dresses and earrings.

Which one should I wear to rodeo tomorrow?

UGH. I'm going to HOUSTON tomorrow. To SEE Jonas Brothers, all of them, again. And be among a bevy of awesome ladies. How am I ever going to survive Monday when I realize that a) I didn't get enough sleep, b) I'm no longer looking forward to seeing the JB but have already seen them and c) as Miley points out, don't have my girls all around me?

i do stuff, i am a yuppie pirate

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