Firecracker would be a great substitute for saying fuck.

Mar 01, 2010 13:28

As in "Aw, firecracker, I forgot to turn off the oven."

A recap of things:

- Friday I went out with liminalliz, mangojellytoast, and pwincess for wine and food and talking. We did this in Downtown Austin, which is a place that I usually just get drunk and hobble around in heels. It was nice to do things a bit classier, and leave before 6th got shut down. Plus Liz's place of business had apparently been Pimped. ("Yo dawg! We heard you liked offices so we put an office furniture store in your office building so you can get office furniture for your office without ever leaving your office building!")

- Saturday I went shopping with my mother and jennerose. Mom bought me two pairs of flats. I got these and these. Combined with my red kicks, and my silver peep toe flats means that I am ready to kick summer's ASS footwear wise. I need some cotton dresses, and a new roster of t-shirts. But still. Hot weather. Come and see me.

After much successful shopping, Kate and I met with two non-fannish friends at Vino Vino which was a FREAKING DELIGHT. The staff was super, super friendly. The place was gorgeous and nicely spacious. The wines chosen by our waitress was perfect. Our waitress was very joke-y and revealed that she was the owner of the white Triumph motorcycle parked outside. The same Triumph that I had walked past and wondered, "Ooooh, who owns THAT and is he married?" I split a bottle of Colosi, Nero d’ Avola ‘08 (Sicily) along with lamb tartar (AMAZING), good cheese, and a little citrus cake with avocado ice cream.

- Sunday I went for a four mile walk around Town Lake, went to Ikea with Kate and finally closed a chapter on my bachelorette-hood. For some time I have been in possession of only one fork. I do my dishes every night, and I am 99% the time the ONLY person eating a meal in my house at any given time. I also eat a lot of soup (fun fact). So I just keep forgetting about it until I have people over and then I have to be like, "OH! Would you like the ONLY FORK while I eat my salad with a spoon?"

Anyway, at long last, the two brain cells in my head collided while I was actually in a store where I could purchase forks. So I did. I bought a matching set actually, so now I have classier spoons (ie- ones that haven't, once or twice, grappled with the garbage disposal and lost).

::sniffs:: It's like I'm growing up or something.

- After Ikea I came home to discover that I'm feeling, for the first time ever, ambivalent about the Jonas Brothers fandom. This mood swing is probably required by law as next weekend I will be seeing them in concert and will then come home to post "OMG! JOE'S EYELASHESSSSSSSS!" I don't know. It's hard to know what to say about them these days and I worry about boring people. Or offending them. Like if I don't like Selena, will that be hurting someone's feelings? Are people mad I can't get it together to read fic right now? (see activities above).

I want to keep writing, and reading, and talking, and generally being fannish but I think I'm just not so impressed with the recent slate of Jonas life choices. I mean, I'm glad they're playing paint ball and what have you, but nothing but weeks of "Pap. shots of a Jonas in LA" is killing my joy about this fandom. I need more. :(

- My knee hurts. After dinner and the gym I'm going to take a bubble bath come hell or high water.

i do stuff, wanna hear me talk about the jonas bros?, i am a yuppie pirate, navel gazing

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