The Greyhound Bus in my head just picked up some stray thoughts that needed a ride out west

Jan 27, 2010 10:40

Dangling my heart on a string
Over a sea of stagnant fish.
Hope swelling in my chest
Optimism a steady drummer in the distance.

But it all seems too risky.
To drop such a gem into these murky waters.

I live on the edge now
silly words blurting out of my mouth
responsibilities neglected
taking chances with people
who may not give a shit back.

Not getting what you want is difficult.
But recognizing what you need
is probably the most difficult of all.
Staring your flaws and mistakes right in the eye.
Admitting that you fucked up
and you are going to fix it.

Saving oneself from hurt is cowardice
Feeling the hurt sucks but at least
you are moving,breathing,alive,
headed somewhere more fabulous in the end.

I keep waiting for a big eureka moment.
That one day everything will become clear
I keep sitting,waiting,wishing
that this fog will be lifted from my life
That the answers will bubble to the surface.

But no I am broken,silly,crazy, wrong
Taking stupid chances and holding important things back.
I am an absolute mess that is starving for love all over again
You are in my past, so far away I can't even make out the details
of your face, your lips, your hands anymore
I don't know how you got put on the highest shelf but i must have placed you there.
and you have never felt so out of reach,so far away, so gone.
It's wonderfully fitting.

But at the same time, loneliness is a creeping vine around my neck.
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