Falling Too Too Fast. Into Your Ocean. Drowning Drowning. Water Logged Heart.

Jan 27, 2010 02:04

 How could I have not known before
just how blue your eyes are
bright oceans swirling across a perfect face
How could I have not known before
just how big those oceans get when you smile
passion filling your cheeks
the redness letting me know
when you want something hard.

My heart finally woke up 
from its all too long hibernation
and realized regardless all the obstacles
it wants you more than anything.

Yeah you may not look at me that way.
Our conversations become all too silent
cuz im stuck searching for beautiful impressive words
to fill the air, to ease the tension, to make you want me more than anything.
Yeah she may get the real you, and i just get an old tired worn out version.
Yeah you may be gay and I am just a stupid girl
trying to make a stupid guy swing the other way.

But I want you want you want you just the same.
so hard my heart cracks and break.
so hard im desperately clingy
falling millions of feet
off the highest cliff.

But you asked me.
I was your first friend.
That's my tag that's my label.
But I could be more if we just stopped playing games
if we could only break free of these chains that tie us down.

I find myself always wanting to be more.
Than a silent stupid girl who falls at your feet.
I want to beautiful, but Im messy and constantly coming undone.
I want to be perfect, to get lost in those blue eyes and
never feel the need to leave.
I want those big lips to be touchable, within reach
I want them to rest on mine, to find what they have needed all this time.
I want those hands, those long restless fingers, to place themselves on my neck
and hold on tight like there is never an intent of letting go.

I want I want I want
I want till i can't breathe anymore.
I am lying on the floor broken fed up and confused.

You asked me to be your date.
But I am not the only one.
You are with her. You are with him.
You are NEVER with me.
You find every excuse possible not to be with me.

How can you do this to me?
Buckle my heart in.
Send it on a roller coaster ride.
Not caring if i get tossed overboard
tumbling to my death.
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