I may have found a new addiction...

May 31, 2011 01:49

i had these conversations earlier on Omegle... The first I didn't get caps of but I have the text:

You: All I ask is that Dean give me the time to explain…
Stranger: Dean?
You: Dean Winchester… I share a profound bond with him
Stranger: ….Castiel, is that you?
You: Yes. Have you seen Dean?
Stranger: He’s with me Cas.
You: Sam?
Stranger: Yes, it’s me Sam. Dude where are you?
You: I am… in Crowley’s asylum, I believe… What happened? Why is Balthazar dead? Where are you and Dean?
You: Why can’t I fly anymore?
Stranger: Cas, you killed Balthazar. Don’t you remember?
You: I… I killed him? But I- The last I remember is banishing Crowley…
Stranger: ….Cas, are you alright? Do you remember anything. Do you remember killing Raphael?
You: Raphael is dead? That explains the blood on the walls…
You: I ordered Crowley to leave, and then… voices. Millions of voices…
Stranger: Cas, you consumed souls.
Stranger: Dean and I tried to stop you, but we were too late.
You: So those were the voices… I don’t remember. Just the voices. They said everything was alright… And then they left
You: Sam… I- I can’t fly, it’s cold… I cut myself and it hasn’t healed…
You: What did they do to me?
Stranger: Cas, don’t worry. Dean and I are on our way. Stay put.
You: Please hurry, Sam. There is something here…
Stranger: We’re on our way Cas, just try fighting it. Or hide.
You: I will try, but I have no weapons. I don’t think it’s one of Crowley’s monsters. I think-
You have disconnected.

A couple of hours later, I FINALLY found a Dean, annnd this happened.

....Is it even possible to get fic plotbunnies from omegle convos? Especially your own? Because I totally did.
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