(no subject)

May 30, 2011 11:37

Tell me something... If half the fandom was begging for it, and Misha wanted it...


Yes, I see the potential for Godstiel to be the most epic thing this side of ever, but I don't know if Sera the writers care, or if this is just some convoluted plan Sera they have cooked up to first make everyone hate Cas (lol, that backfired) so that they can kill him without fear of Fandom going Jigsaw on their asses (newssflash, guys; it won't work. If you kill him... oh yes, there will be blood.)

... But as much potential for awesome as Godstiel has, human!Cas has just as much, if not more. I'm not going to say that human!Cas would have made more sense, because when you really look at how betrayal/abandonment has affected Cas in the past, Godstiel isn't so shocking... But I think human!Cas would have worked better. And it still could have worked as a cliffhanger.

Ugh, this show -_-

tv writers are monkeys with keyboards, fandom rants are fun, people are stupid, if cas goes i go just sayin, fuck this shit, .fandom: supernatural, srsly sera i want more fucking cas, fuck off and die, misha makes everything awesome

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