I'm clearly too dedicated to this idea

Jun 02, 2011 20:28

Sooooo my sister talked me into creating a tumblr account for a Slender Man SPN 'verse, in which Sam has gone missing, and Dean and Cas are reading his old journals for hints about what might have taken him/where he's gone.

If you're familiar with Marble Hornets: it's like that, only in SPN-Blog form.

If you're interested The 'Yet Another Project I Really Don't Need' tumblr can be found here.

I only have "Dean's" first comment up, and two of Sam's journal entries- as commented on by "Cas"- but other journal entries I wrote for Sam can be found here.

Because this was my sister's brainchild, and I only adopted it, since she was desperate to see SOMETHING done with her fic notes, there will be Dean/Cas overtones, both in Sam's journal entries, since he comments on them, and in the "Dean" and "Cas" entries on the blog its self.

And since someone asked on tumblr, since it doesn't get explained in the entries: Cas is human. He's been with the Winchesters since he was 7, and John saved him from a monster. He had no family left, and he and Dean stuck to each other like velcro, so he became an honorary Winchester brother.

also, there has been no apocalypse in this 'verse, as yet. Just run-of-the-mill-monsters and the occasional demon

slender shadows blog!verse, slender man, .ship: addicted to dean/castiel, there are places besides lj?, omg wtf lol, shit no one cares about, what am i even doing?, i procrastinate creatively, .fandom: supernatural

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