Why do I do this to myself?

Mar 20, 2011 17:30

 As is usual, I haven't updated in ages but now that I'm supposed to be working on term papers due tomorrow morning I seem to have a bizarre urge to write ANYTHING BUT THE THINGS I DESPERATELY NEED TO BE WORKING ON. My health has been utterly awful this quarter thus my professors giving me extensions to write my term papers but either my medications or just my general lack of writing skill (or both!) are preventing me from getting any further in either of the papers. I'm hoping that writing something useless here will help me get back in the swing of things for my papers.

Of course, I have another great and looming temptation that is trying to lure me away from productivity. Through a series of unfortunately timed events I have just recently discovered the joy of free, streaming KDramas.


I apparently have an addictive personality when it comes to television shows, particularly when they include some of my favorite cliches. I would just like to take a moment to say that my strange affection for stories in which women pretend to be men for various important (dubiously so, in some cases) reasons can entirely be laid at the feet of one Tamora Pierce and the books I read by her at a apparently very impressionable age. Curse you, Song of the Lioness series! You have warped me forever!

So, basically now I'm desperately trying to prevent myself from watching a show that actually rather reminds me of Hana Kimi--and not just for the obvious reason. In fact, I personally think this thing they have in common (I say nothing about what exactly it is in the most likely vain hope I'll get one of you*cough*Sarah*cough* to watch it at some point) is one of the things I most liked about Hana Kimi, and that I think gets MAJORLY overlooked in the vast majority of cases of crossdressing stories--and yes, Bard of Avon, I'm looking at you! I'd love to say more, but it's one of those cases where I'd prefer to have a dialogue rather than just sit here and monologue into the void that is the internet. That being said, does anyone want to watch Coffee Prince so I can nerd out about it for a bit?

I'm going to attempt to go back to writing now, but there is a good chance I'll be back here sooner than I should. Either that, or way, way later.


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