May 05, 2008 16:48
My roomie washes her clothes ALOT. She's the first non-batshit roommate I've had in a very long time, but it peeves the hell out me how often she does laundry. Can't she let that shit pile up? She's got stuff in the machine almost every day of the week.
She also won't stop leaving the hall light on. And she acts as though I have a big WAL-MART sign tattooed on my forhead the way she's always asking me for toilet paper. And pads. And garbage bags. And why does she need garbage bags? Especially considering her "trash Jenga" skills that resulted in the trash being piled a full foot over the bin during the two weeks I refused to take it out again....
Seriously though, I do actually like this girl.
But it's a bit like living with my little sister.
Anyway, I'm think about playing a joke on her by turning off the washer and dryer fuses. Yeah, I'm an asshole. I know.
And yes, I tried telling this girl to stop doing laundry so often since it wastes electricity, but she really is like a kid sometimes. This is her first year living away from home even though she's 20/21.
Only problem is, she calls the maintenance people for every little thing. They'd probably tell her it's just the fuses.
Maybe....I should switch the fuses back on after she calls them so she looks crazy. And THEN I could turn them back off again after they leave.
LOLOL. Dude I am doing some hardcore procrastinating if I'm coming up with shit like this. ROFL.
I need to stop. I've got to finish studying for finals.
Right after I fuck with the fuses. BRB.
school sucks,
random thoughts