Research paper update...

May 11, 2008 00:39

So, finals are over, and my final grades aren't up yet, but I did get my grade back on the research paper I had to complete with that moron I was randomly assigned.

I got a 78. A 7-fucking-8. I'm so PISSED. It's all because of my stupid partner. I rewrote nearly the entire damn paper myself but didn't have time to do the final section (Analysis of Data). This is the email my professor sent me and my partner:

Crystal and [partner],

I'm emailing you today to let you know that I had some concerns on the wear test you submitted. The paper started off very good. It was well-written, followed the guidelines, and accurately answered the questions related to purpose, serviceability, and background. (the beginning = the parts I worked on)

However, the paper completely fell apart in the analysis section (the part my partner wrote that I didn't have time to fix). I don't know what happened but suddenly the paper did not make sense. It was mostly focused on details of the socks that we did not even evaluate in the wear test, such as how dry they were and the comfort of the heel guard. Also, there was a comparison to another sock, which was completely irrelevant to our project. You simply cannot compare the socks to one pair of other socks worn by one of the evaluators. The reasons you cited for the performance of the sock were related to inconsistent data and lack of opportunity to wear the socks by the Monday group. However, as Textile Evaluation students, you should have been more than able to cite some textile related reasons for the results.

Your paper was on track to be an A paper (URGHHHGAHHGAHEFUA!!!!), however, it fell apart right at the end. Had it not been for how well it was written at the beginning (*sigh*), the final paper could have easily been a D paper. As a team, both you of should have looked over each other's work to ensure correctness. It is obvious one of you carried most of the paper while the other did not.


Googly moogly.

My only consolation is that that dumb bitch I worked with will be getting a much lower grade.
I told my professor about what happened with my partner and she agreed to take that into consideration. I also made sure to attach a word document of the stuff my partner originally submitted so our instructor could see for herself how poorly written it was and why most of it wasn't included in the paper.

The thing that makes me angriest is that I TOLD that dumb ho to rewrite her shit. She was out of town the weekend our paper was due, but she said she'd fix the issues when she got back the following Monday (the same morning it was due).

Of course, she didn't send me anything. And I knew she wouldn't, so that's why I went ahead and rewrote everything myself Sunday night.
The morning I turned the paper in, I texted her she had the nerve to get an attitude with ME because I was asking her why she didn't do her rewrites.

Funnily enough, she kept texting me acting all mad and shit, but the minute I told her to quit worrying since the paper did in fact get turned in on time, the texts stopped. But not before she let me know the reason she didn't do her rewrites was because she decided to stay laid up with her boyfriend in Houston.

Lord. This bitch better be happy with whatever grade she got because if I had had enough time to rewrite everything her ass wouldn't have even had her name on the fucking paper. She's lucky she didn't get a fucking ZERO.

people suck, school sucks

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