Well, I've decided to put the 1850s coat on hold for now. You see, I'm not going to the reenactment this weekend (my professor sent out an e-mail about our take-home midterm this weekend that I alomost forgot about), and I need to mark the center front of the coat wearing something other than my white sheer bodice, which leads me into my next project:
Reenacting for 4+ years has led me to acquire quite a clothing collection. However, since I started when I was 16, most of that clothing falls into the "teenage" category, and I have been looking to upgrade my wardrobe into something more age-appropriate now. So, armed with the
Laughing Moon pattern, and this lovely wool from Lissa (in exchange for making her a carpetbag - oh, how she is so kind in understanding my college student budget woes!), I have decided to make a fan front dress:
Fabric, pattern, and other goodies:
I think the plaid will look lovely as a fan (I adore the colors - it reminds me of neopolitan ice cream!), and 4 years into my 1850s hobby, I have always wanted to make a true fan-front dress. My only problem now is deciding whether or not I want to make view b or view c (view b is gathered at the shoulders, as well.) I've been inspired by this plaid fan front (in a madras cotton), although I'm worried about gathering it in at the shoulders, since there are horizontal stripes, and I don't want to look wider! :P
My other concern is the fact that my undergarments are not totally able to support the very flat and point shape of the fan. While my corset is long with a point, my petticoats are all straight-wasited, without yokes. I don't know if I want to try to reset all my pettis. I'm just concerned that the fan might look wonky sticking out with all that extra petti baggage in the front.
So, the plan is to cut out and work on the skirt over the next 2 days, and then mock-up the bodice this weekend (in-between the midterms), and see how it looks.